Knowledge base » Visit forms » Cancer Visit Record Form
Cancer Visit Record Form
Below is the top half of the ‘Cancer Visit Record’ form.
When a patient has arrived for a scheduled appointment, it is essential to carefully complete the 'Visit Record Form'. This is because some of the questions and answers can directly impact a patient by altering protocol requirements such as 'Medication Dose'.
Functions of this Form:
· Write patient integrated notes
· Weight, Height and BSA recording
· Baseline weight and BP
· Defer, omit or cease treatment
· Record treatment management pland
· Record symptoms and toxicities
1. The patient’s weight recorded for the appointment can be entered here. You can copy the weight from the previous visit by ticking the checkbox. It will display the visit date it is copying from.
2. A baseline weight can be entered. This will display a warning if the patient loses more than 10% of their bodyweight from baseline. The page displays when the baseline weight was set. You may also set a new baseline by checking the ‘set new’ checkbox.
3. The system calculates the patient’s BSA based on their current weight and height. You can select your preferred method of calculation (Mosteller or Dubois).
You may wish to cap the BSA, to do this check the ‘Cap BSA’ checkbox and enter the number at which you wish it to be capped in the field.
4. If you wish to defer or omit the treatment tick the checkbox. This is discussed in more detail in another Helpdesk article
5. The pencil icon allows you to edit the visit notes. You may only edit notes you have written (within 24-hours of when the notes were created, depending on the organisation's Role Right for that position).
6. To search, print or view amendments to the integrated visit notes, click the icons in box 5 below. Edited notes can be set to display as text that has been struck through.
Below is the second half of the cancer visit record. Here you can record a high level treatment , diagnostic test requests and symptoms and toxicities grading using CTCAE grading (Common Terminology Criteria Adverse Event).
When symptom or toxicity grade is selected the definition (medication dose) displays below it.
Once you have entered the data you wish to click on the ’Save & Close’ button.