Observation Graphs

The observation graphs can be accessed either through the 'Drug Administration' page, the 'Nursing Assessment' form small grey and green icon on the top of the observation grid.

It can also be accessed by clicking on green quick link at the top of some pages like record summary or visit details page.

Once you are in the 'Observation graph page you can then edit your view of the observations
1 The default view is observations from todays visit but you can select another visit in the 'Visit Reference' drop down list.
2 The default interval is 30 mins but you can choose a different interval by selecting one of the other radio buttons.
3 The 'Interval Start Time' is usually when you took the first observation. You can change this is you want to view observations from a specific point forward.
4 The legend down the bottom shows what each colour represents on the graph.

This graph is of the combined observations. If you scroll down there is a separate graph for each observation.