Knowledge base » Billing Administration » What each 'Service Type' Means
What each 'Service Type' Means
When you add a service to the 'Service Master' you will be prompted to select a 'Service Type' and then a 'Service Type Detail'. Below is a guide to what each one means.
Service Type: Medical- Includes any service with a provider number including allied health that is billable under medicare
Service Type Detail; MBS Outpatient - services that are billable to medicare that are provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider (service setting inpatient/outpatient sets the default for the contract but can be overwritten at the contract level)
Service Type Detail: MBS Inpatient - services that are billable to medicare that are provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type Detail: Private Inpatient- services that are not billable to medicare that require a user defined service code provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type Detail: Private Outpatient - services that are not billable to medicare that require a user defined service code provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type: Accommodation/ Facility Fee- Only use this function if you are a hospital and creating 'Hospital Claims'
Service Type Detail; Self Insured Inpatient
Service Type Detail; Study Funded Service
Service Type Detail; MBS Case Payment- case payment is if the total amount for the inpatient hospital service is bundled into a single value payment by the health fund- check with your health fund if you are not sure.
Service Type Detail; MBS Per Diem Payment- is where the amount for the inpatient hospital service are unbundled such as a daily accommodation rate, pharmacy separate, miscellaneous service charges separate- this is less common in a day only procedure setting than a case payment.
Service Type Detail; DVA Coded Per Diem Payment - as above however using DVA defined code rather than MBS or DRG
Service Type Detail; DVA Coded Case Payment
Service Type Detail; DRG Case Payment
Service Type Detail; Other Coded Per Diem Payment- As above however using health fund or other payor provided code rather than MBS or DRG.
Service Type Detail; Other Coded Case Payment
Service Type: Pharmacy
Service Type Detail; PBS
Service Type Detail; Non PBS Pharmacy
Service Type Detail; Study Funded Pharmaceutical
Service Type Detail; Special Access Scheme
Service Type: Prosthesis
Service Type Detail; Implant for Chemo
Service Type: Miscellaneous
Service Type Detail; Miscellaneous
Service Type: Allied Health
Service Type Detail; MBS Outpatient
Service Type Detail: Private Outpatient
Service Type: Medical- Includes any service with a provider number including allied health that is billable under medicare
Service Type Detail; MBS Outpatient - services that are billable to medicare that are provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider (service setting inpatient/outpatient sets the default for the contract but can be overwritten at the contract level)
Service Type Detail: MBS Inpatient - services that are billable to medicare that are provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type Detail: Private Inpatient- services that are not billable to medicare that require a user defined service code provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type Detail: Private Outpatient - services that are not billable to medicare that require a user defined service code provided by a medical practitioner or other health care provider
Service Type: Accommodation/ Facility Fee- Only use this function if you are a hospital and creating 'Hospital Claims'
Service Type Detail; Self Insured Inpatient
Service Type Detail; Study Funded Service
Service Type Detail; MBS Case Payment- case payment is if the total amount for the inpatient hospital service is bundled into a single value payment by the health fund- check with your health fund if you are not sure.
Service Type Detail; MBS Per Diem Payment- is where the amount for the inpatient hospital service are unbundled such as a daily accommodation rate, pharmacy separate, miscellaneous service charges separate- this is less common in a day only procedure setting than a case payment.
Service Type Detail; DVA Coded Per Diem Payment - as above however using DVA defined code rather than MBS or DRG
Service Type Detail; DVA Coded Case Payment
Service Type Detail; DRG Case Payment
Service Type Detail; Other Coded Per Diem Payment- As above however using health fund or other payor provided code rather than MBS or DRG.
Service Type Detail; Other Coded Case Payment
Service Type: Pharmacy
Service Type Detail; PBS
Service Type Detail; Non PBS Pharmacy
Service Type Detail; Study Funded Pharmaceutical
Service Type Detail; Special Access Scheme
Service Type: Prosthesis
Service Type Detail; Implant for Chemo
Service Type: Miscellaneous
Service Type Detail; Miscellaneous
Service Type: Allied Health
Service Type Detail; MBS Outpatient
Service Type Detail: Private Outpatient