1. Protocol Administration Module

Protocol Administration

To access the protocol authoring module:

• click on the ‘System Administration’ tab on the side menu (1)

• the ‘Protocol Administration’ tab will slide down (2).

• Click on the tab; this will bring you to the ‘Protocol Administration’ page.

To create a new protocol, you can either:

• click on the ‘Add new protocol’ button (19)

• or if there is already a protocol that is similar to the one you want to create you can search for it (17)

• and then copy the protocol structure.

To search for a protocol:

• enter part of the name into (3)

• or enter the protocol identifier (4)

Search by:

• Date options (5)

• and Publish status (6)

• then click Search (7)

1. System Administration - Click on this menu item to open a further menu where system functions and protocols can be edited

2. Protocol Administration - Click this menu item to open the list of available protocols and to create new protocols

3. Protocol Name - The name uses either that created by eviQ or by an organisation for their own use after modifications have been made.

4. Protocol Identifier - The Protocol ID is either set by eviQ or by individual organisations if a local protocol is created. It will accept alphanumeric characters.

5. Date Options - choose the date(s) or date range you'd like to search on

6. Publish Status - Select whether to search all protocols or only published or unpublished protocols etc.

7. Search button - click to search for selected options

8. Source Last Updated = the last time the information in the protocol was updated

9. Source Review Date = the date the next update of information in the protocol is due

10. Organisation Last Reviewed Date = the last date your organisation last reviewed the source data and updated the protocol

11. Organisation Next Review Date = the next date your organisation plans to review the source data for the protocol

12. System Published Date = the date your organisation published the protocol for use in your site

13. System Withdrawal Date = the date the protocol was withdrawn from use from your organisation

14. Protocol Source = Source from which information has been obtained to support the production of the protocol

15. Approved By = Name of persons who have approved and published the protocol

16. Protocol Identifier = Name or number combination that identifies the protocol at your site including version number

17. Protocol Version # - A version number is mandatory when copying or creating a protocol. This field will accept alphanumeric characters and allows for a format of 1.2.1 for example

18. Copy button = Copies the protocol and requires a new Protocol Identifier to distinguish it from the original

19. Publish Protocol = Opens the publishing page

20. Add new protocol = To create a new protocol from scratch

21. Import = Enables the import of a protocol which has been exported from another module of CareZone