Letter Template - setting up a header

The new rich text editor for letter templates has some quirks that you need to be aware of when creating templates. This is a third party tool we have licensed so the third party will need to fix any issues that are found.
EpiSoft can resolve issues with parameters and anything outside the working "Word" style section of the page (above and to the right of the letter template creator is in EpiSofts purview to fix and we will notify third party of any in the letter module itself).
Below is a guide to creating a Header in your letter that has a logo on the left and an address on the right which is a common layout.
1. Create Letter Template, give it a name, description and untick Active (so it does not publish while you are working on it)
2. Upload logo to the body of your letter
3. Insert a table 2 cells wide and 1 cell high
4. Set proportion of the cells as follows - highlight the table and right click to get table properties (on a Mac this is accessed via xxx) ; set the margins to 0 - this will give you max real estate for your logo and minimise likelihood of chopping off the logo
5. OK and Close out of that and highlight just the cell on left by double clicking in it
6. Right click again to get Table Properties / Column / Set width by Percents and choose e.g. 65% - this is a quite good proportion to get an 11 point address in the remaining cell
7. OK and Close ; now resize your logo before pasting into table lining up with the cell size left. It is recommended that you go slightly smaller than the cell as our testing found that the logo was often cut off on the right at the border between the two cells if it didn't have some slight padding within the cell.
8. Once you've sized it, copy and paste your logo into the cell on the left - we recommend Copy rather than Cut and Paste in case there are problems, you don't have to keep uploading the logo. Once it's in the cell it appears you can't cut it or resize it, so if there is a problem once it's pasted into the table, it appears you have to repeat steps 3 to 6 above
8. Type the address as you require and use the standard icon shortcut on the rich text editor to align your text right if required
9. The address might not be aligned vertically with the logo as you wish ; if it isn't highlight just the cell with the address by clicking on it right click for Table Properties / tab Cell and check the Vertical Alignment = Center; you should get a better alignment result with the logo.
9. At this point it is a good idea to Save and also print to check you are happy with dimensions
10 Now highlight the whole table and right click table properties or shortcut choose the Design menu item / Borders / no borders - If going through the table properties, there is a button near bottom of popup dialogue box for borders and shading and this will allow you to set no borders.
10 With the table still highlighted choose Ctrl + X (Cut), double click near top of page to add Header and then Ctrl + V (paste) Now Save your template and start adding letter body
11 If you have a logo right justified and address details underneath you can bypass most of these steps
As this is obviously very fiddly, it is recommended that you get it looking perfect on one letter and then use that as basis to copy to new template. Copying and pasting the header from one template document to another does not work; the logo does not copy correctly.