6.0  Nursing Assessment - Observations - Where to record observations (Nursing assessment, obs quick link from appointments)

  • From the Visit page on today's visit, click the Nursing Assessment form

  • Once on the Nursing Assessment, click Add New Observation and the Obs grid will display:

    Each observations is entered in a grid, tabbing between fields, then saved. Obs that are out-of-range are displayed in either orange 'Clinical review required' or purple 'Emergency call required'.

    Escalation criteria can be viewed by click on 'View Escalation Criteria' in purple above the Obs grid:

    To view the recorded observations on a graph, click 'View Observations Graphs' above the Obs grid and the graph will open.

    Obs quick link from Manage Appointments

    If more observations need to be recorded during the patient's visit, it's quick and easy to do from Manage Appointments.
    Find the patient on the appointments list.
    In the Attended column, a green heart is now showing for patients who've previously been 'Attended'. Click the heart to see and record the patient's observations.

    Click the 'Heart' icon to open Observations: