7.8 Drug Administration - Why hasn't the prescribed dose calculated an actual dose?

When you open Drug Administration, any doses that require a height, weight and BSA to calculate, will not show an actual dose to administer.

To get the dose to calculate, click on 'Weight' at the top of the drug chart. This is a hyperlink to Visit Record where the weight can be saved.

On Visit Record, tick 'Copy Weight from previous' and Save and Close the page to return to Drug Administration. This will not change the doses on the drug chart upon which the medication dose was ordered by the pharmacist.

If the weight was recorded a long time ago and you have a more current weight, enter this in Today's weight (not affecting dose). This will display on the drug chart and will alert if the weight is greater than 10% different to the baseline weight.

You will return to Drug Administration and any doses requiring weight and height will have calculated an Actual Dose