1.c Medication Library and Unlisted Medications

Medication Library

The medication search list in protocol authoring is a TYPEAHEAD list linked to MIMS. Just wait a few seconds to give the search list time to cache on first time use in a session.

The MIMS search is medication 'Begins with...' You can refine the list by choosing a route from the ‘Route’ drop-down list at the top of the page

Make sure you select the right container for your drug and whether it is an infusion or other. PBS listings aid in choosing the most appropriate drug.

IMPORTANT - if you make a mistake and need to delete a medication from this top list, it will delete from all steps below it. Make sure you save the page after delete because the X icon hides the unwanted med but the SAVE button commits the change you have made (even though it comes up with an are you sure you want to delete alert box, you still have to hit the Save button after).

Tick ‘Primary Therapy’ to distinguish the main / chemo meds from supportive meds. This will be used for reporting purposes such as on the Treatment Variance Report to track changes from recommended on those treatment drugs.

If the drug has been capped centrally in Pharmacy Orders > Medication Safety Rules, the cap level can be edited in the Medications list on the protocol.

Unlisted Medications

Unlisted medications are those drugs that can’t be found in MIMS. The Unlisted medications can be added to by clicking on ‘Maintain Unlisted Medications’ on the far right of the screen.

Once saved to that page, return to the main Add medication page and they will be available in the typeahead search along with the MIMS drugs.

Unlisted Meds can also be accessed from Pharmacy Orders under the Pharmacy Admin tab.

Enter the details of the medication to add:

Entered medications will be accessible by a typeahead search after being added to your Unlisted Meds list