1.f Adding a task step to a protocol cycle

First, create a task type in 'Edit Tasks' which is in the System Administration menu. Instructions for creating a new task type are in another article.

Once a task type has been created it is available for selection when creating a protocol.
· When adding steps to a new protocol, click Add Step, name the step, then under the 'Type' heading, choose "Clinician Task" from the drop-down list.
· The task step can be linked to the relevant appointment step, then moved to the correct place in the protocol using the arrows.

Once the new step type is saved, it will display in the menu on the left.
- Click on the Task step to open and configure it.
- Select the task name from the User Task Type drop-down list

The selected task will then display in Drug Administration in the position you’ve chosen for completion by the nurse treating the patient.