Knowledge base » Visit forms » 10.3 Edit Protocol - Editing Medications in Episoft
10.3 Edit Protocol - Editing Medications in Episoft
- Where to find Edit Medication:
- 1. Medications can be edited from Protocol Cycles
2. Click on the name of the cycle to open Edit Medication
3. Scroll down to the medication to be edited
4. Click on the pencil ‘tooltip’ to the left on the medication line
5. This opens the popup window, ‘Edit medication’
6. The dose can be modified by Prescribed Dose, Actual Dose or reduced by percentage from the baseline recommended dose. - 1. For a calculating prescribed dose, enter a new dose in the Prescribed dose field. This will calculate based on the patient’s clinical measures
2. If an Actual dose is entered for a medication that has a calculating dose, it will lock the dose to further changes and display a red padlock.
3. To unlock the dose and begin recalculating again, click the red padlock.
4. To reduce the dose by percentage, enter a number in the ‘Dose Red’ field and the dose will be reduced by that percentage
5. For non-calculating doses, the same dose will display in both prescribed and actual dose.
6. When a dose has been edited, a reason for the change must be selected from ‘Change Reason’
7. Carry forward options will default to editing future doses in all instances of all future cycles. If you don’t want this to occur, change the carry forward options before saving.
8. Each medication in a protocol can be edited for individual patient's needs.
9. By default, prescribed doses that require the patient's weight or pathology results will recalculate automatically according to changes in the patient.
How the dose can be edited:
Doses will not calculate unless a current weight and height have been entered, as well as a Se Creatinine or eGFR to calculate AUC
Ceasing a medication:
To cease a medication, find the medication and click the ‘stop’ sign icon to the left of the line.
The ‘Cease medication’ popup will open
Each medication in a protocol can be edited for individual patient's needs.
By default, prescribed doses that require the patient's weight or pathology results will recalculate automatically according to changes in the patient.
Edit Protocol
To edit a medication, click on the pencil icon to the left of the medication name. This will open a popup window labelled Edit Medication, where the dose can be changed by prescribed dose, actual dose and also reduced by percentage.
Edit Medication popup
The Edit Medication popup will open where the dose can be modified by Prescribed dose, Actual dose or by percentage. The changes can be made for just this day, or to all instances of this medication which is the default. It can be applied to all future cycles if there are existing future cycles created.
Locking the dose - SAFETY ALERT
Some clinicians prefer to round the actual dose which will lock it to further automatic adjustments until it's unlocked. Reducing the dose in the Actual Dose field will also lock the dose. The dose can be locked to further changes for future cycles and displays with a red, closed padlock icon. THE DOSE WILL NOT RECALCULATE AGAIN UNTIL IT IS MANUALLY UNLOCKED BY THE CLINICIAN. If the patient's weight or results change dramatically, there will be alerts to notify that the dose needs review, but it will remain locked.
Weight changes when the dose is locked
To ensure the dose on the compounded medication matches the dose on the drug chart, nurses will not change the dosing weight, but instead will tick 'Copy from previous weight'. If the patient's weight has changed, this can be recorded in 'Today's weight, not affecting dose'. If the weight difference between the dosing weight and the current weight is greater than 10%, a red exclamation mark alert with hover text will display on Visit Record and on and a red KG alert with hover text will show on Drug Admin.
Percentage dose change
Enter a percentage into the Dose Red. field. This will calculate the dose based on this percentage. If '20%' is entered, the dose will be reduced by 20% from the original recommended dose recorded in the protocol. To reduce by an additional 20%, enter '40%' to reduce by 40% from the original recommended dose.
Dose increase by percentage: The dose can also be increased from recommended by entering a value such as 120%.
System calculated percentage change: If the actual dose is edited after reducing by percentage, the system calculated percentage will also display to reduce the risk of errors in data entry as an alert to an unintended value being entered.
e.g. user enters a dose reduction of 20%. System calculated % reduction is 20%.
User then edits the actual dose by rounding but inadvertently enters 90 mg instead of 900 mg. 'Dose Red.' field will still display 20% as that is what the user entered, but the System calculated % will show a 93% reduction from recommended. This will also display on Edit Protocol after closing the popup window as an additional alert.
The difference in percentage dose change displays on Edit Protocol by showing the System-calculated percentage from recommended dose and the user-entered intended percentage entered shows under the 'I' icon.