10.1 Protocol Cycles - Prescribe a new protocol for a patient

Adding a new Protocol for a patient is done from the Protocol Cycles in New Visit
In the patient's Visits page in the list of forms, click on Protocol Cycles to open the page.

This takes you to the Protocol Cycles Page

In the Active Protocols section there is a tab '+ Add new protocol'

  • When this tab is opened it takes you to the Select Protocol Page where there will be the relevant matched protocols for the patient's condition.
  • To search, start typing the name of the protocol or one of the drugs contained in the protocol to refine the list.
  • Select the preferred protocol by clicking on the name

Most protocols will then open a window where you can enter the preferred cycle type and number of that cycle type to add
This will close the window and the New Protocol page will open

On New Protocol, depending on the preferences set up in the protocol definition, you may need to enter the patient's allergies, principal diagnosis, height, weight and baseline weight.
You may also need to acknowledge that you have discussed the treatment with the patient
In New Protocol, click Save. This will display in red all the mandatory fields that need to be completed before the page will save

For Allergies/Adverse Drug Reactions, either tick the 'Nil Known' box or type in the allergy field to start searching for the allergy.
Select from the displayed list and then enter the patient's reaction to the allergen

Next, click on the Conditions Lookup button to search for the patient's condition

The Conditions search will default to the Neoplasms folder in ICD-10AM
Type in the name of the affected organ to begin the search

Next, acknowledge that the patient has consented to the treatment

Then enter the patient's current weight, height and baseline weight for comparison in the future.

Lastly, save the New Protocol page
This will then display the Edit Protocol page where dates and medications can be edited