17.6 Protocol Admin - Edit the details of a copied protocol

When opening the Protocol you need to enter all the elements numbered below.
Check the protocol source, e.g. eviQ, if copying the protocol to retrieve the latest information to enter.

Ensure you have selected the correct Protocol Source. This may be the Cancer Institute or a variant of an eviQ protocol or it may be a clinical trial protocol or from another source entirely.

  • Delete any previously attached document by clicking the green 'Delete Document' button above
  • Upload a new document by clicking the select tab and search for the pdf document on your computer that you need to attach

  • The Notes section below is is a mandatory field for recording the expected number of cycles of treatment, the recommended medications and doses for this protocol and any important drug information.

    Create a protocol cycle

    At the bottom of the Edit Protocol page is a button that creates a new cycle type. Click this button to open and configure a cycle.