17.9 Protocol Admin - Adding the Protocol STEPS in a copied cycle

Once the protocol has been copied and you've opened the existing cycle type, go to Steps in the left-hand menu. The steps can be deleted or modified or you can add new steps to the cycle.

The Create Steps allows you to create the steps of various kinds e.g. Appointments, Medications, Procedures, Diagnostic Tests etc. You can click + Add Step repeatedly to get your step list on the page before entering the data.

Type in the name of the step in the Name field and the abbreviated name in the ShortName field. This will display on the patient's appointment.

The following Elements must be completed

A) The Name of the Step

B) The Abbreviated name of the step

C) Select the Type of Step from drop down box

D) All steps other than appointment steps MUST be linked to an appointment step so that (e.g.) if drugs are administered at an appointment, the medication step always moves with the appointment and can't be changed separately. If users forget to select recalculate future dates when moving protocol dates, activities that should be associated with an appointment may get left behind if not linked.

E) Make sure you carefully check the link to step and plus time entries on the step page prior to publication. Don't forget if drug administration occurs on the same day as an appointment, the plus time must be left as zero days.

F) The Plus time Period Type (the default is 'Days'). This is the number of days the step should occur after the previous step. e.g. Day 3 Medication is +2 days after Day 1 Medication. This will ensure it falls on the correct day of the cycle when booked to a patient.

G) Whether the Protocol is Active

H) To ensure your protocol steps are in the right order, the Up and Down 'v' allows you to move the Step to the place it belongs, one step at a time.

I) The Up and Down Arrow takes the step directly to the Top and/or Bottom of the page.

J) Allows you to DELETE the Step if the step is no longer required.

Once you have saved the steps they will be created in the Tree menu on the Far left of the page. Check that the step names are all present with the relevant ICONs and in the correct order. NOTE the Blue tick appears over the top of the icon once you have saved the step detail. Each step must be saved in order for the protocol to be published.