Knowledge base » Visit forms » 1.0 Menu items
1.0 Menu items
The Menu Items in the side Bar are intended to Navigate quickly to where you want to go for the action required.
This is how the menu bar is seen from the Home Page
Some Menu items have down arrows to indicate that this is an expandable section with more options nested beneath the heading.
Below you can see that the Appointments section has been opened up and there are six sub menu items
- Appointment List
- Appointment Calendar - the calendar view of appointments
- Calendar Settings - set the duration and colour coding of appointments
- Roster - Clinician rosters are configured here
Booking Requests
This is where all protocol bookings that are waiting to be booked can be found.
Patient Search
You can search for a patient by MRN/Epi ID, Name etc
New Patient
If your organisation does not have EpiMe or use a Patient Administration System (PAS) then new patients can be created from this menu item
Users and user groups can send messages and set tasks to be completed that then show on other users or groups of users Tasks list
This is where all test results are imported. Most results will be automatically imported into the patient record but if the system can't find a match in existing patients, the results will remain in Messages until manually imported
Letters to Sign/Send
This is a worklist for users to review letters they've created for a patient and to edit and sign them before they are sent
Results/Letters Pending
This folder shows all unacknowledged results or letters requiring attention and defaults to show only the logged in user's patients.
Unsigned Protocols
This is a worklist that is filtered to show only the logged in clinician's patients whose protocol cycles require signing. Protocol cycles can be signed from this menu item.
Unsigned Phone Orders
This is a quick worklist for doctors to sign for phone orders previously administered by a nurse. It's necessary for these to be signed within 24 hours of administration and an organisation preference to alert doctors on login can be set if they have any unsigned orders.
Authority Scripts
For ease of use, doctors can look up and/or add the authority numbers to their patients' scripts from this page.
Future Cycles Needed
This menu item shows the logged in user's patients who may need more protocol cycles added
Pharmacy Orders
This page is a worklist for pharmacists. Medications prescribed in a protocol will display here once the patient's appointment is booked.
Clinical Trials/Programs
All patients participating in a clinical trial are displayed in a list here with links to the patients' records.
eReferrals pending
Referrals that have been received electronically can be viewed and managed in this menu item
Referrer Management
Referrers can be added to this list to make them available for association with a patient. Details can be edited , preferred send method and mailbox used can be added.
Documents pertaining to the organisation can be uploaded here. Patient documents are saved to each patient's file
Scanned Documents
This is a module that can be requested to bulk upload documents to Episoft
A large number of both administrative and clinical reports can be found in this menu item.
Billing Administration
If your organisation is subscribed to the billing module, patient billing to Medicare and health funds can be managed here.
System Administration
This is where the preferences and configuration for the organisation are set. Protocol Administration is also under this menu item