Knowledge base » Visit forms » 4.1 Visit Record - Clinical Assessment
4.1 Visit Record - Clinical Assessment
The first section outlines the Clinical Assessment and should be reviewed at each visit.
The patient's weight is entered here. Current weight (dosing weight) affects dose calculations on the patient's protocol.
Today's weight (not affecting dose) doesn't affect dose calculations but can be used to record weight at every visit for comparison with the Dosing weight. An alert will generate if the two weights differ by greater than 10%.
The BSA will auto calculate from the entered height and weight. A baseline weight should be recorded to enable alerts on greater than 10% weight change from baseline.
BSA can be calculated by Mosteller or Dubois
Patient specific observations can be recorded here to allow clinicians to change the range that nurses should notify them on. These changes can be electronically signed by the doctor and this will display on the Observations chart.
Patient-specific blood pressure entry:
Recording the ECOG: