Knowledge base » Release Notes - epi-me » 2020/12/10 Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
2020/12/10 Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
New Repeat Oncology / Infusion Form
A truncated version of the General eAdmission form has been created for 'frequent flyer' return Oncology / Infusion patients to reduce the time spent confirming their details on each repeat admission. These pages are: Admission Details, Personal Details, Persons to Contact, Insurance Details, Legal, Infection Screening and the Submission page.
Before this form can be used, it is required that the patient first fill out a complete 'General' eAdmission so that the service has all of their details.
Added Pensioner Card image to assist patients entering their details - added for all sites as a default
To assist patients entering their pensioner card details, a visual guide has been added below the Other card type section. This only shows if an 'Other card type' is selected.
Bug fixes
Minor typo on Social Support question (Obstetric History page) - corrected the tense of this question to refer to this current pregnancy rather than historical pregnancies.
A truncated version of the General eAdmission form has been created for 'frequent flyer' return Oncology / Infusion patients to reduce the time spent confirming their details on each repeat admission. These pages are: Admission Details, Personal Details, Persons to Contact, Insurance Details, Legal, Infection Screening and the Submission page.
Before this form can be used, it is required that the patient first fill out a complete 'General' eAdmission so that the service has all of their details.
Added Pensioner Card image to assist patients entering their details - added for all sites as a default
To assist patients entering their pensioner card details, a visual guide has been added below the Other card type section. This only shows if an 'Other card type' is selected.
Bug fixes
Minor typo on Social Support question (Obstetric History page) - corrected the tense of this question to refer to this current pregnancy rather than historical pregnancies.