Rostering Module

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The roster module allows you to set a clinicians roster. The roster only displays in the clinician calendar, it does not display in the resource calendar. When a clinician is rostered on at a location that will appear as white space in the calendar, if they are not rostered on their calendar will appear grey. The roster module is accessed by clicking the ‘Appointment Management’ tab and then the ‘Roster’ tab (marked 1 below). This is a rights based privilege, if you cannot see the tab you do not have the right, if you believe that you should be able to manage rosters please contact your system administrator to have this right enabled.
The roster filters include location (2) from date (3) to date (4) and clinician, this allows you to check the rosters easily. To add a roster for a clinician click on the ‘Add new staff roster’ button (6)

The roster function works in almost the exact same ways as an outlook calendar. Select the location, the clinician, the date, start time and end time and then if this is a regular roster for this clinician you can make it a ‘recurring roster’. You would then select the frequency with which it recurs and the end date for this recurrence. You may also add comments against the roster.

Editing a recurring roster
If you make an edit to the start time, end time or the days on which it recurs on any day in a recurring roster it will cascade this change through all future days of that roster. We are working on a change to allow editing of a single day within a recurring roster.
Until this change has taken place the best way to edit a single day in a recurring roster is to delete the day you wish to modify by clicking on the red x to the right of the roster and then adding in a single (non-recurring) roster for just that day.

Deleting a recurring roster
To delete all future days in a recurring roster open the most recent day of that roster and then set the until date to be the last day on which you wish a roster to appear.
For example if I had a roster that went from the 1/1/15 until the 1/3/15 but I wished to delete all rostered days after the 12/2/15 I would click on one of a roster day on or before the 12/2/15 and set the until date to be 12/2/15 and then 'save'. All rosters after 12/215 would be deleted.

I then update the 'Until' date to be the last day I wish the roster to occur on.