2021/03/10 Release Notes - Clinical

In this release we've added some new features to the Nursing Assessment and made modifications to the Risk Assessment.

Nursing Assessment additions

Blood glucometer recording on Nursing Assessment
We have created a new field to manually enter a blood glucose result from a glucometer reading on the Nursing Assessment. The section to add blood glucose is immediately beneath Urinalysis and all results entered on that visit will display on the page.
By clicking the heading 'Add glucometer result', a popup window will appear where a new result can be recorded. It also displays any previously entered results. The most recent blood glucose record will be displayed on the Flow Chart directly below ‘Todays weight’.

· A read-only view of the glucometer readings then displays on Drug Administration where there’s an option to view all past readings.

Mental State comments
The comments recorded in ‘Mental State’ field are now displayed on the Flow Chart as well as showing the most recent glucometer reading.

Distress Thermometer Changes

Previously, on the Distress Thermometer the nurse was unable to enter a score of '0' as this showed as 'Not recorded'.
The scale now starts at '-1 Not recorded' by default. A score of '0 No distress' can now be recorded.

Peripheral Vascular Assessment (PIVA)
We have now added the PIVA score with information and action to be taken for each score, beneath the ‘Infection Present’ section on the Nursing Assessment. This is also on the Nursing Assessment printout.

Changes to Risks Assessment Visit Form & PDF Printout
> On the Risk Assessment, some selected items were not printing correctly. This issue has now been resolved.

> As a WA requirement, the first infection status question needs to read:
Patient has a multi-resistant organism (MRSA, VRE, CRE, C.diff and Candida auris)
The abbreviated infection is now displayed in the patient banner on the Record Summary page.

Drug Administration Printout fixes
We have increased the space or gap between each sub-headers and sections
The font and size of the ‘Pathology’ sub-header has been updated to match the other sub-headers displayed on the page

Protocol Alerts are now displayed on the pdf printout

Attending appointments in the future - now an organisation preference
To enable appointments to be attended up to 3 days in the future, a new field in Organisation Preferences must be ticked. If not ticked, appointments in the future will not be enabled to be attended.

Favourite Medications list Changes
If a doctor searches their Favourite Medications when adding a new drug to a patient in Medication Record, the medications are displayed in alpha order. If there is more than one page of favourites, the next page also displays in alpha order, starting from 'a' again. This means that clinicians could easily fail to notice that a medication has more than one entry in their favorites. We have now updated the order of Favourite Medications list to display in alphabetical order from page 1 to the last page of the list of saved drugs.

New Doctor Test Request forms:
We have three new diagnostic test request forms available upon request. These include:
> Douglas Hanley Moir - DHM Pathology
> I-MED Radiology - Imaging
> Laverty Pathology

Admission Form Fix
We have recently updated the Admission Form so that the fields ‘Date patient first aware of symptoms’ and ‘Date patient first consulted doctor for this condition’ now accept dates earlier the 1/1/1980

Edit Appointment Step on Edit Protocol is showing two sets of options after date is changed

When editing an Appointment Step from the Edit Protocol page, there are currently options to carry forward the changes to the appointment which has caused some confusion on exactly which option does which. We have now introduced two new sub-headers, including ‘Date Changes’ and ‘Other Appointment Changes’ so that it is more clear on exactly which radio buttons apply to what is being changed.