Knowledge base » Release Notes - epi-me » 2021/06/09 Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
2021/06/09 Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
Release Notes
New Features include:
1. Enable eAdmission processing when only Admission Form half is submitted - we have re-introduced the ability for staff to process eAdmissions which have their Admission Form / Registration Details component submitted, but not their Health History / Health Assessment (only one of the Status 'traffic-lights’ appear submitted).
2. Unsubmit Admission Functionality - We have successfully reintrouduced the Unsubmit Admission functionality. Hospital staff are now able to un-submit an admission, which will also un-process the admission so that when the admission is re-submitted, the staff are also able to re-process the admission (sending an admission update message across interface to PAS).
3. Registration Form pdf Printout: sub-header changes - epi-me’s Registration & Health History form pdf printouts have been updated so that all sub-headers on the form now appear in all-capital letters, as well as bold. This change was implemented to assist the bookings team in differentiating each different section on the forms.
4. Restructure of Registration Form pdf printout - Post GoLive, one customer requested a restructure of the format of their Registration Details (Admission Form) pdf printout. This change includes the shifting (up and down) of the different sections within the form. please see the new order of sections below:
a. This hospital visit (1)
b. Patient Details (3)
c. Additional Patient Demographics (4)
d. Other Entitlement Details (8)
e. Persons to Contact / NOK (6)
f. Other Emergency contact / Person to Notify details (new section to be added in release)
g. Person Responsible For account (10)
h. Private health Fund Details (9)
i. Medicare Details (7)
j. GP Details (5)
k. Previous Hospital Visits (2)
l. Submit (11)
5. Admission Form question changes -
The V2 Registration forms displayed the NOK and Emergency Contact fields as default. We have reintroduced this page configuration into V3 so that both sections are displayed to patients by default.
6. ‘Print Selected' button reintroduced to V3 -
The Process Admission page in a previous portal version included a Print Selected button (same as Admission Worklist print page in V3). We have no re-introduced this button to allow hospital staff to print a selected number of admission documents in a single pdf.
7. New ‘Title’ options - The following titles have now been made available for all admission types for one particular customer:
a. Brother is BR
b. Father is FR
c. Sister is SR
8. Medicare IRN Validation -
Medicare only permits the IRN to be between digits 1-9. epi-me patients are no longer able to enter a 2 digit IRN, and are now only able to enter a single digit between 1-9 (0 not accepted by Medicare, as well as PAS Systems).
9. Wordign Change to ‘Admission Submitted’ text - update ADMISSION COMPLETED text displayed to patient on the epi-me Patient Portal home page after successfully submitting admission.
10. pdf Mapping Bug RESOLVED - The question ‘Have you had any x-rays, scans or ultrasounds completed for this admission?’ is now mapping the correct responses on the corresponding pdf printout
11. Additional wording added to Registration form pdf printout - The following 4 sections headers below have been updated to include the additional wording shown below in brackets:
a. Other Entitlement Details (Alias)
b. Persons To Contact / NOK (Personal Carers)
c. Other Emergency Contacts / Persons to Notify Details (Personal Carers)
d. Private Health Fund Details (Insurance)
12. New Baby Indigenous Status question on Maternity forms -
We have added a new question to capture a baby’s indigenous status for Maternity admissions. Wording of new question = Indigenous status of new born baby? The patient is required to select form the same list of indigenous status displayed to them
13. Removal of duplicate ‘Patient Consent’ section from pdf printout -
Calvary’s patient consents were appearing twice on the form, so one of the sections has been removed. Patient Consents will now only display on the ‘Privacy Consents / Rights and responsibilities Acknowledgment printout.
14. Reposition of ‘Office Use Only’ box -
With a new display sequence of 1, the Office Use Only box now appears directly below the title 'Registration Details', and directly above the section 'This Hospital Visit'