24/11/15 Release Notes CareZone for Hepatitis


1. An issue was reported where the protocol authoring module was displaying withdrawal dates when the protocol had not been withdrawn. We have identified the cause of this but the fix did not quite make the cut-off for this release ; we will be applying this change in a patch as soon as possible. This is an issue with the authoring tool rendering of the search details - the underlying data is correct but the search result error was introduced with the multi-org publish function last month. We will notify users when this is patched.
New features

2. Change to 'Cease Medication' on a protocol. Previously when a medication was ceased on a protocol this would cease all future instances of this medication in all future cycles. Now if a medication is ceased, users are prompted to select 'Just today', 'Just this cycle' or 'All future cycles'. This will save you time by not requiring you to reactivate ceased medications.
3. Change to 'Uncease Medication' on protocol. Previously when a medication was unceased on a protocol this would reinstate it back in all this cycle and all future cycles. Now users can select to reinstate / uncease the medication for 'Just this day', 'Just this cycle' or 'All future Cycles'.

4. Changes to the DHS community script generation and printout. Users now have the ability to print scripts for future dates (2) and to make a prescription an authority script even if it is not flagged as such in MIMS (2). On the produce medication script page there is now a editable script date field(2) on each medication line item as well as an 'Authority' checkbox(2). If the authority box is checked an authority script will be rendered as the print out. Previously the script date was defaulting to the date the script was generated and this could not be edited which did not fit the workflow of sites needing to pre-print the scripts for Dr signature on a future date.
Users may leave the authority field blank. This will enable users to print out scripts requiring authority but not inclusive of the 4 digit authority code. This enables the Dr to fill in the authority code by hand if the scripts are printed in advance and a phone authority entered on the paper script.

Group tasks on the protocol module
We have now enabled the feature of 1) adding your own tasks under Sys Admin function for expert users and 2) referencing any tasks created under this module in the Protocol Authoring module including allocation to a default group. If the protocol is published with this group as the default, the protocol when added to a patient will contain this group.

Time available on request on the visit page

1. A new right has been created to allow entry of time when creating an adhoc visit. This right will be only be implemented for an organisation if they request it. It has been added to accurately record start time of an outpatient visit when the appointment module is not used and so will not be required by all users. Visibility of this time field is permission based.

2. A new visit link has been added to the appointment management screen. The link displays on an appointment line item after the appointment has been marked as attended. Previously if an appointment was marked as attended users had to drill down to the patient record summary and then drill down to the visit to access the visit forms. The link will bring you directly into the visit details page.

3. Results Pending. There is a new tab on the left hand side menu called 'Results Pending'(1). When a clinician opens this page their name will be populated in the 'Requesting Doctor Name' field it will display any unacknowledged test results that they have ordered or have been cc'd on. For non Dr user (nurse or admin), you can enter another requesting/cc'd doctor name in the field (2) OR clear the search fields to view all results for your organisation. The list is made up of messages either already imported or not imported. User can select to print all by selecting the 'Print' checkbox on the top of the grid (3) or select individual results to be printed and then click on the print button. User can view the results by clicking on the 'View' button. At the bottom of the results view page is where users acknowledge the test result.

4. On the protocol 'Authoring Page' the label 'Release Date' has been changed to 'System Publish Date' as this better reflects its meaning and is consistent with the list view.

5 If you are using the appointment module in your clinic, the CSV export on the appointment page now includes a column populated with the 'Appointment Comments'.

7. If a patient has a Safety Net Card Number entered on their patient record, admission form or billing page it will now display the valid year next to the field. This is calculated from the card number string. The third digit (after the 2 letters) is the year of expiry ie '5' = 2015. Safety Net cards expiry at the end of the calendar year.

The eSignature will appear if the protocol cycles page includes an eSignature. Who is to sign the protocol is defined on the bottom of the edit protocol page. The resounding feedback received from Drs on the current eSignature function is that they do not want the signature to copy forward if the cycles are copied although this part of the original suggestion by other clinical staff.

External PAS users with interface
The 'external billing system' enhancements will be in this release that enable the separate submission and versioning of services and where required same-day or other certificates.
Clinical documents export will now incorporate the admission date/time and discharge date/time of an outpatient including visits without an appointment.

Laboratories Now online
Private labs currently connected
Sonic trading as Douglass Hanly Moir (DHM), Sullivan & Nicolaides, Melbourne Pathology
Laverty trading as Laverty, Dorievitch and QML
Any diagnostic imaging or lab providers using Healthlink or Medical Objects as the message delivery partner can now be connected on request
If you are not receiving test results from the diagnostic providers that you require and they aren't in the list below as a work in progress, please let us know and we will add them to the list.


Rework of the clinician calendar to speed up the time to render the calendar view
Diagnostic providers using Promedicus, PALMS Lab (Northern Sydney public hospitals), MedLab
Changes to the HBV Outcomes Tracking report to include results of not applicable for a visit and include all the relevant due dates