Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 19/01/16 Release Notes for Medication module, Test Results and Nursing Assessment form
19/01/16 Release Notes for Medication module, Test Results and Nursing Assessment form
Prescriptions & medications
1. On the 'Script Additional Info' page, you now have a lookup to non streamlined indications as well as indications. The lookup is structured to reference the private hospital options at the top as that is the majority of our sites but in a future release we will format this list based on user profile. This returns abbreviated indication text to the Additional Info page that then flows to the printed prescription. Authority prescriptions have a bottom section repeating the data at the top and includes the indication information. The indication text is truncated at a point where the indication text says "Clinical criteria" or at 300 characters whichever comes the sooner. We have a number of further enhancements planned to this module to improve the prescribing easier.
2. The prescription history was showing the script date which was the date created. This has been labelled Date Created.
3. An additional unit of g/Kg has been added to the prescribed dose drop down list.
Edit Protocol
Some changes to dose were causing the Edit Protocol page to error with an invalid date format. This has now been resolved.
System performance enhancement
In the first round of a number of performance enhancements for 2016, we have changed the way the new function Unacknowledged Results works. On review of performance over the last few days, we found that the record count of Unack'd Results across a whole centre / hospital was causing performance issues on many pages in in the system. This record count will now only display for the logged in Doctor if the user is a Doctor.
Diagnosis and procedure search
To save some time in coding Dx and Procedures, if you know the code, you can now search using a known code for diagnosis or procedure rather than just the text search. Don't forget there are 2 search tabs "Starting with" or "Containing".
Test results
1. A new right has been created to allow messages and test results to be deleted prior to 30 days. This is a permission based function which we have enabled for doctors , but if other roles require this we can enable it.
2. Displaying the count of Unacknowledged Results across a Centre was causing a performance issue on the system. This has been removed. The only count in the main menu will be for logged in Drs to advise count of Unack'd Results for the doctor.
2. The results status will now be displayed in the test results pending page. The statuses are F (final), P (pending), C (corrected). The statuses cannot be displayed in the messages or results pending pages as we don't import the statuses field until the result goes to the patient record.
Future pipeline on this function is to automate the delete function on receipt of final results for the matched interim results but please be aware that this is still in development
Nursing Assessment form
The 'Access Comments' free text field has been replaced with a drop down list of the most common comments. This allows nurses to select the most typical access comments without having to type. The 'Access comments' free text field will now only be displayed if 'Other (specify)' field is selected from the drop down list.
Beside the access type dropdown list the units of measure is now displayed based on selection of access type radio - G (gauge) for Portacath and Cannula, Fr for intravesical - this should display on printout also.
The Treatment Flow chart has been updated to display Access Comments from the new dropdown list as well as the free text field (whichever was used)
Drug Administration Chart
We have resolved an issue with the 'Drug Administration Chart' where 2 users on different computers were causing first nurse signature data to be overwritten owing to the nurse signature function saving the whole drug page.
We have put in a number of safety checks to improve data provenance in the event of 2 users editing the same patient form at the same time. This is still not recommended if it can be possibly avoided but if it cannot, please see changes below to prevent accidental overwrite of one user by another.
The nurse signature columns now ONLY SAVES the SIGNATURE. If you wish to save the rest of the data in the drug line item you have edited, the main page needs to be saved.
There must be an actual dose present for drug signing to be enabled. The signature boxes are disabled till that time.
We have introduced an Autorefresh function on the nurse signatures - this will happen every 10 seconds as a background process so Nurse #2 can see Nurse #1 signature.
We have not introduced an Autorefresh on the whole page as this could cause more issues than it solves in the event there are 2 documenters.
If a second nurse signs before the Autorefresh displays the first nurse signature, an error message will display if a nurse attempts to sign where another user has already signed preventing the second nurse from ever modifying the signature of the first.
If the first nurse has also made some modifications to the drug record that is about to be signed and Nurse #2 page doesn't yet display this as it was opened before the edits were made, the signature popup will display a warning message stating that there are changes made that they cannot see. Cancelling the save dialogue will refresh the page and display the edits made by another user.
Any pop-up window save buttons on the drug administration chart (such as eSignature, dose change reason and admin notes save) save just the data you are entering in the pop-up, not the entire page. For in line edits to be saved (such as the start and stop time and actual dose) you must click the 'Save' or 'Save & Close' buttons on the form.
We will be implementing another change in the next release to enable Actual Dose to be saved within the popup window and move it out of inline editing as this will further improve the data provenence on this page and reduce the likelihood of user forgetting to save this change.
To be sure you are looking at the latest data before commencing any documentation yourself, it is still best to close the page and reopen it which will always get the latest data. The browser refresh button will not do this reliably.
Pharmacy Orders
We have patched an issue with the pharmacy orders that was causing a problem when drugs were reused and delivery time was empty.