27/01/16 Release notes

We have changed the way the edit protocol loads to improve performance and speed on the 'Edit Protocol' page. We think this will speed up the protocol somewhat, however larger protocols (protocols with many steps and medications) still require some time to load.
We have also brought in some database changes to help improve performance and prevent patches of slowdown.

An issue was reported that if the appointment comments were updated after the appointment had been marked as attended it was displaying the wrong visit type on the page. This issue has been resolved.

Dr Home Page
An issue was reported on the Dr home page, on page load all patients with a clinician appointment for that day were displaying, this has been resolved and Dr's will only see a list of the patients they have appointments with.

Unacknowledged Results
We are reinstating the 'All' list and the total count on the unacknowledged results page

Prescribing and Medications
The IRN now displays on all prescription printouts
The patient name and address now display at the bottom of an authority script.

Zero Day Protocols
An issue was identified where if a user copied a 0 day protocol more than once (I.E. multiple 0 day protocols on the same day) CareZone was not incrementing the cycle number. This issue has been resolved. However we do strongly recommend that users author protocols with at least one day frequency to ensure the copy rules work as expected.

The unit of measure 'g/kg' has been added to both the protocol and standard medication module.