19/2/16 - Release notes minor release

Release notes 19/2

Prescription printouts

Authority script - Approval number populating on bottom of script
Issue advised with Infusion Order print - date at end of printout; found not to be an issue; to regenerate the original date, select "Reprint previous infusion order" from the print options and original date of script will print

Nursing assessment
Intravesical gauge not saving - resolved
CVAD flushed and locked question - displaying when it was not applicable - resolved ; should only display when access removed is Yes

Appointment management list
Autorefresh was including a display of cancelled appointments - these now only display if you select the tickbox show cancelled as this refresh was annoying users; if it is important for you to see cancelled appointments by default, keep the box at top ticked
Linked inpatient appointments - if first appointment of a linked inpatient appointment was cancelled, it was still having an effect on overall status of appointments; status should now be taken from the first uncancelled appointment in the linked series
A read-only Booking Request on the list as part of a partially completed cycle was updating the appointment status which may have been e.g. In Treatment - read-only records on booking request are now not changing

Admission coding - morphology
Duplicating on copy from previous and deleting not based on visit - these issues resolved

Drug order of display
Change of drug order from protocol authoring found to be in issue for users of separate database running later versions of SQL database - this has now been resolved

Appointment edit
Not always loading the inpatient/outpatient default of the visit type on first load of the page - resolved

Protocol cycles page
Link to eviQ and other associated documents now visible
Doctor signature icon status visibility is not dependent on user role

Drug chart printout
If the drug name exceeded a certain length , the second nurse signature was partly cutting off printout; this has been resolved
For clinical trial users, printout now includes tasks including the "discussion' section
Not displaying calculated/actual dose on past drug chart printouts - now resolved
Upcoming drug charts report - this report will use last entered weight and hence calculated dose will be populated

Drug administration - new restriction on green syringe
If appointment is in status Booking Request, green syringe will not be enabled until the appointment is booked. This prevents Doctors booking future cycles not changing date coinciding with current treatment

Drug administration - admin notes

If an apostrophe was entered in the admin notes, this character prevented nurse from re-opening and adding to note - now resolved (nurses can type any character they like)

Pharmacy Orders
Issue if a protocol ceased in error and another appointment same day same patient - now resolved; If a protocol is ceased for reason of added in error and Pharmacy has placed the order, it will display as per other cancellations on the Pharmacy Orders page

For users of letter module - Rewrite of this module to allow save / export to Word or RTF (Rich Text Format) and hence total flexibility of formatting and data.
Protocol module - allow delete and add appointments and meds outside of definition and alter cycle number to improve flexibility for Doctors
Further work on Tasks integration to Drug Administration
Medication module redesign to enable medication recording and prescription in one step
Pathology order forms data population
Reports including alternate format of appointment report, print patient labels from Patient Reports tab, additional billing reports, cannulation report, new inclusions to Encounter summary