2. v.3 Patient Pharmacy List
Search filters default to Today. Select a different radio button to search on patient treatments for other days or a date range. Medication Search: This field is to search for all patients prescribed a medication on the date/date range selected. Only one medication can be searched at a time. All the medications for each patient will display, to show the context of their protocol. The icon indicates this patient is an inpatient for this visit. An ‘O’ icon indicates outpatients. The icon shows the patient is ‘booked’. This icon is dynamic and will update as the patient arrives, is admitted/attended/discharged etc. The teardrop symbol is a quick link to Edit Protocol. If the teardrop is orange, the protocol has not been signed by the doctor. If it’s green, the protocol has been signed. The icon can be clicked to open the Clinical Summary for that patient. If the icon is an this means that the patient has allergies. It also opens their Clinical Summary. The icon displays the most recently recorded weight that the dose has been calculated on so that pharmacists are able to order compounded medications, even if the patient does not have a current weight showing in their Edit Protocol page. The symbol is used to create a prescription. If this icon is clicked it opens a window with various script types for selection to print to pdf. The icon is for recording a patient pharmacy note. This is different from a medication note, as it carries forward to future visits until deleted. It can also be viewed on Private Notes in the patient record and is for pharmacists to communicate about a patient, rather than about a particular medication. It does not print to the compounding order. The patient’s name is also a hyperlink that opens the patient’s Record Summary. is for seeing patients who were booked in for that date searched, but whose treatment has been delayed to a new date. The appointment will have been sent to Booking Requests and won’t show on a new date in Pharmacy Orders until the appointment is rebooked. Clicking on the UR#/Epi ID, opens a window that shows the patient’s entitlements, including Medicare, DVA, Pension cards, Concession and Safety Net cards. The speech bubble is for adding notes about a medication. This note does not carry forward to future visits. The delta symbol shows the dose change history for that medication when clicked. The volume field is editable before the medication is added to an order. Once it’s added, it becomes inactive, unless the medication is then removed from the order. The pencil tooltip is for adding details for the compounder. The popup window that opens has fields for entering exact volume, split dose, quantity, drug status, ancillary, and can be carried forward to future treatments.