Knowledge base » Pharmacy Module
1. Pharmacy Orders
Pharmacy Orders is the daily worksheet for tracking medication orders for external supply. Before using Pharmacy Orders, medications must first be entered into Pharmacy Admin. There is a separate manual with instructions on how to do this. Below is a screenshot of the Pharmacy Orders homepage showing search defaults and patient status changes: On the left hand menu, click on Pharmacy Orders to...
Unlisted Medications
If MIMS has not yet listed a medication, it can be added via two places in Episoft. 1. Adding unlisted medications via Pharmacy Admin ♣︎ On the Pharmacy Orders tab, click on Pharmacy Admin in the menu below it. ♣︎ Use the medication search field to see if the medication is already in Pharmacy Admin. ♣︎ If it can't be found, click 'Add a Medication' ♣︎ Tick 'Drug not found' then click 'Lookup'. ♣︎ This will open Unlisted Medications. ♣︎ Click Add New Unlisted...
New Pharmacy Orders v.3 Manual
Please open the attached Word document to view the manual...
1. v.3 Pharmacy Orders overview
Pharmacy Orders Manual Pharmacy Orders is the daily worksheet for tracking medication orders for external supply. Before using Pharmacy Orders, medications must first be entered into Pharmacy Admin. There is a separate manual with instructions on how to do this. Below is a screenshot of the page that opens when Pharmacy Orders is selected. It shows search defaults and patient status changes, as well as other icons and features available. ...
2. v.3 Patient Pharmacy List
Key: Search filters default to Today. Select a different radio button to search on patient treatments for other days or a date range. Medication Search: This field is to search for all patients prescribed a medication on the date/date range selected. Only one medication can be searched at a time. All the medications for each patient will display, to show the context of their...
Pharmacy Orders manual
As the complete Pharmacy Orders manual is a very large file, I've attached it as a pdf ...
2. Pharmacy Admin Overview
The pharmacy admin page is located by clicking on the small arrow on the ’Pharmacy Orders’ tab. Pharmacy Admin is where you set a flag to indicate which medications require external ordering, set their shelf life and specify the containers and diluents they are supplied in from the compounder. If a medication is not listed on Pharmacy Admin as needing an 'External Order' it will not display on Pharmacy Orders. If your site would like to see all supportive medications to be admin, add a drug
3. Medication Safety Rules
Medication Safety Rules is on the Pharmacy Orders tab drop-down list. It's used to add medications to a list, then flag them as cytotoxic, to monitor a drug for total cumulative dose and to set the cap for a dose calculation on a medication. Adding Medications to the List Drugs can be added to the list by clicking the 'plus' sign, then click Lookup to search MIMS for generic medications....
4. Quick Links and Symbols
Each patient is listed with their Date of Birth, Date and Time of Appointment, Visit Reason, Clinician and location in the clinic. Next to the patient’s name will be either an “i” or an “A” symbol, which when clicked, displays details about that patient’s weight, height and BSA, Pathology results electronically imported to CareZone and Allergies. If no allergies are recorded, an “I” symbol displays. ...
5. Medication checking process and printing an order
The Diluent and container type is set by the protocol. If more than one possible diluent has been allocated to the medication in the protocol, it is possible to select the alternatives from a drop-down list in Pharmacy Orders. · Pharmacy Orders is designed to track medications for ordering from an external compounder or for those organisations that do their...
6. Printing a Pharmacy Order
- The following buttons are to print the order. The blue text prints the Order Only column. The green text prints the Check order/finalise button. The printer symbol creates a pdf, non-editable version of the order while the 'csv' symbol creates an Excel, modifiable spreadsheet of the order. You can choose whichever version you prefer for sending to the compounder. If 'Slade external pharmacy' is ticked in Organisation Preferences, the excel sheet will open with the Slade format and codes....
7. Order History
To view your Order History, the following button should be selected: To search the Order History, select either Treatment Date or Order Date, then enter the start and end dates. Enter a patient name if searching on an individual patient. “Show Reversed Order” is selected by default to display results in reverse date order. If an...
8. How Appointment status affects Pharmacy Orders
- When an appointment is created from a protocol Booking Request, the appointment with the patient’s name and tracked medications displays on Pharmacy Orders. Only medications that have been entered in Pharmacy Admin for tracking will show below the patient’s name as these are the medications that will need to be ordered from the compounder. Supportive medications are often kept in stock at the infusion centre so do not need to be ordered from the compounder. If you prefer to see all...
9. Orphan (unused) Drugs
- If the treatment is deferred or cancelled after the medication has been received, the medication may be tracked through Pharmacy Admin and be ‘held’ in an Orphan (unused) Drugs folder. The expiry date is automatically calculated from information previously entered in Pharmacy Admin for that medication. If the medication is able to be matched to a future patient on medication name, route, diluent and container, it will display next to that patient’s name in Pharmacy Orders with...
10. Processing of Orphan (unused) Drugs
- Medications that have not expired and are waiting for a potential patient are listed in Unused Stock. The patient originally ordered for is listed with the medication. - If the name of the medication is clicked it will expand to display details about the original order. - If it’s expected that the medication may be used by the original...