2022/08/03 Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)

Please contact help@episoft.com.au if you would like any of these features activated in your epi-me portal.



New Form Configuration to Display Patient Consent for upload of patient documents to My Health Record (EM-4586, Helpdesk #20708)

ADMISSION_SUBMIT_INCLUDE_MHR_CONSENT was added to the Admission Form Submit page. When activated, a configurable, optional consent allows patients to opt-out to having their discharge summary uploaded by their healthcare provider to My Health Record.

Example usage of the My Health Record consent

If active, the patient's response to the consent will display on the Admission Form PDF printout, as well as custom consent printouts (if applicable).


New Medication Review Form for hospitals using HPS Pharmacies (EM-4601)

A new Medication Review form has been created for the exclusive usage of HPS Pharmacies in collaboration with epi-me hospital customers, and is designed to facilitate efficient, electronic medication review and reconciliation at preadmission. This is currently in pilot at one hospital customer which contracts HPS Pharmacies.

This has been developed as a Follow Up Form that, if opted into, is accessible to Admin Portal Users only via the Admission Worklist. It does not appear to the Patient User. Colour-based status tracking is used to indicate the status of the form completion.

Showing the location of the Follow Up Form, if activated.

The Medication Review form is a four page form that provides a cutdown read-only view of the patient's preadmission form and allows pharmacists to make notes of their evaluation, including:

Page 1. Allergies, Patient Demographics, Next of Kin, Admission Details and Body Measures (read-only summary page)

Page 2. Patient Self-Reported Conditions (HPS pharmacists can add additional known conditions)

Page 3. Patient Self-Reported Medications (HPS pharmacists can add additional known medications, perform medication reconciliation and identify medication risks and issues)

Page 4. Submission of Medication Review form.'

Showing a sample of Page 2, where HPS Pharmacists can make notes about the patient's conditions, and add additional known conditions.

On page 3, pharmacists can review and reconcile the sources of the medication list such as GP, other care facility, pharmacy etc.

The completed online form has a print-friendly PDF printout that can be sent to the hospital's Patient Administration System, if applicable.