Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 17/03/2016 - Release Notes CareZone
17/03/2016 - Release Notes CareZone
Shortcut appointment management page
Appointment management list now has a shortcut to Yesterday's appointments
Billing updates
Sites that are enabled for Medicare billing now have validation checks on patient surname and first name to reduce claim rejections related to names that are invalid according to Medicare.
IMPORTANT: If you are making edits to a patient record that has an invalid name format (see below screenshot for validation rules) there may be a hidden validator preventing the page and the updates you have made from saving. To correct the name click on 'edit name' at the top of the page. Once the name has been correctly formatted you can save the page.
If the page has successfully saved you will see the text 'Patient Record Saved' written in red at the top of the page.
Additional validation checks on submission of claim
For services requiring referrals, additional validation checks are now performed to reduce the claim rejection error rate. The referring provider number must be valid on the referral, at least one selected service on the claim must have referral required ticked in the contract
Payor invoice
The payor invoice format has been enhanced to include Membership number on a health fund invoice, Medicare number on a Medicare invoice, DVA number on a DVA invoice.
New report for billing
A summary reconciliation report is available for sites that request this that displays the data paid in by the various payors and by what means.
New report for protocol appointments
A new report for protocol appointments is available in alternate format to the Appointment Management page download. This groups appointments by Inpatient / Outpatient and orders by appointment time with some additional columns as requested and you can also set protocol reporting groups via the protocol publish record that allows you to filter by protocol groups e.g. Blood and related products will provide a list of blood orders on the selected date. This filter option will only work effectively once all protocols are set in the publish records by each site. If you select Check All, it will return all appointments for the day regardless of protocol group, however if you untick any option, the protocol group filtering will apply.
Admission Coding
Changes to admission coding form to support state data collection in Qld:
Unsigned protocols
The orange tear drop icon on the Appointment page will now be showing orange on future dates if the protocol that is to be delivered on that day is unsigned. Previously this was displaying the alert only on the day of treatment.
Pharmacy Orders - View all
For sites that are ordering across multiple ward locations, there is now a View All (locations) that can be set as the default preferred setting for the pharmacist role if required. We will configure this for the sites that requested - please check the site dropdown on navigating to the page is set to All if you require it and contact us if not set.
Diagnostic result reports from QDI were failing to wrap text when viewed/printed - this has been resolved
Omit treatment on cancer visit record - if Omit Treatment changes made in a certain sequence, the record would save without the Omit option selected and cause the progress note to set to empty and the visit selection to revert to default. This has been resolved
Pharmacy Orders - the actual dose on the Unused Drugs list when opening the item from the grid was not displaying the Actual Dose. This has been resolved.
We have done an upgrade to our PDF generator tool which should resolve any drug charts that are cutting off part of the far right column. We will be reviewing the Coding Summary to confirm the same patch to PDF tool resolved the issue of some Coding Summaries cutting off at the bottom of p1.
Headspace Assessment form
Change to the validation checks is now displaying the show/hide fields as expected. If you enter option j in the field, there is still a mandatory textbox to specify detail.