05/07/2016 - Release Notes Primary CareZone

This release includes a number of changes to AOD and PIR.

Clear button

Four AOD forms now have a clear button which enables clearing of all field values. The main reason for its inclusion is to clear a form of values which have been copied forward from a previous visit. Having cleared the values, the user is then able to enter new data from scratch. The forms which include the button are: Comprehensive Assessment, Review, K10 and ITP. The button appears at both the top and bottom of the page. At the top of the page the button is differentiated from the other existing buttons by positioning it underneath them:

Similarly at the bottom of the page the clear button sits above the other buttons.

Primary and Secondary Drugs of Concern

The Comprehensive Assessment form and the AOD Review form now both have two columns of checkboxes to so drugs can be nominated as being of either primary concern or secondary concern. There is no limit to how many drugs can be categorised as either but any one drug cannot be classified as both. If a drug has been nominated as being of primary concern by ticking the box under that heading, it can be changed to secondary concern by ticking the box under secondary concern. Following is an example of

Average quantity per day

In addition to being able to nominate the drug of concern, the AOD Review form has also been modified to allow text entries in the field titles 'Avge qty per day'. Entries here are no longer restricted to numeric characters although field length is 20 characters.

AOD Exit/Discharge

Two changes have been made to this form. Firstly, the 'NA' button has been removed from the question 'Is the client forensic?'. Secondly the 'NA' option has been added to 'Has the TCA been completed?' Where forms have previously been completed using the 'NA' option for forensic status, the No option will now be selected. Changes to the form are shown below:


Client Status in PIR Enrolment form
Clients can now be declared as Inactive on the PIR study form as opposed to the main patient demographic form. This modification means clients being supported in multiple programs can retain their overall status while their specific PIR status can be modified. This prevents cancellation of appointments for other programs upon status change. The form alteration can be found at the top of the enrolment form: