26/07/2016 - Ca CareZone Release Notes

New feature in this minor release is a banner heading for visit forms. We are releasing a number of patches to fix issues that have recently been identified.

New feature

Banner - A long-awaited request to provide a banner heading that moves down the page in all visit forms including Drug Administration has been created. This is Stage One of the new function which has the Patient Name, Date of Birth, Protocol Name, MRN/Epi ID and Visit Date in the scrolling banner. Stage Two will include further details as requested by certain users. We are still working through different requirements for additional detail. The area outlined in blue below, is the banner just above the drug information so it can be seen from anywhere on the page.
This change will affect all visit forms.

An issue was identified In Pharmacy Orders in generating the order when draft and final orders are placed out of sequence. This has been resolved.

There were a number of areas in the system where a double-click action could duplicate data. We have implemented a global change to all pages that should prevent this from happening.

The signature popup window text in Drug Administration has changed to advise users to close the page to get the latest data if they are attempting to sign the same column as a user on another computer. The wording previously could have led to users closing the window with the X button top right which would not refresh the underlying page to get the latest data.

Next of Kin

An issue was identified with Next of Kin On the Edit Patient page where the session handler was not clearing, resulting in Next of Kin data displaying on the next patient edited. This has been resolved and we are reviewing data to identify any records that require retrospective correction.

A new feature that displays clinical trials patient names and protocols on the Appointment List in bold red type to allow better visibility was causing problems with the printout of the list. This has been fixed and is now printing correctly.