18/08/2016 - Ca CareZone Release Notes - Clinical

Infection Alert
A new red alert icon has been created to show that a patient has a Multi-resistant organism infection status or an increased risk of CJD. This is displaying in the list of icons on the Appointment List. There is a new patient visit form, Risk Assessment (Nursing), where this status can be recorded, along with risk of pressure injury and VTE.

Pathology checked?

When a nurse records on the Nursing Assessment that a patient's pathology has been checked or is not applicable, this status now displays on Drug Administration as 'read-only'.

Nurse and prescriber Signatures in full on printout

When printing the Drug Administration page, if a nurse has signed for any medications on the chart, the signatures are displayed in full at the bottom of the printout. The signature of the prescribing doctor is also now at the bottom of the printout with the date of signature.

Nurse signatures

Prescriber's signature

Ability to sign multiple cycles at once

When copying cycles in Patient Protocol Cycles, the popup window now displays the 'Sign' button, allowing copying and signing of multiple cycles at once. If a cycle is copied, there is a choice to sign 'Only original cycle' (i.e the current cycle) or 'All future cycles'. There is a warning that this should only be considered for simple protocols with repetitive cycles without variation. Cycles may still be signed in the original way, one at a time if desired separate to the copy function.

End date display on Drug Administration

The End Date will no longer display by default on Drug Administration. If no date displays, the end date is the same as the date on the top of the medication chart.
If the administration has continued past midnight for inpatients, the date picker can be used to select the end date if different from today's date.
The start and end dates can be displayed for drugs that were not able to be given on the date on the drug chart.

Study / Clinical trial updates

Program/study name is listed at the top of the Record Summary now in bold red so it stands out.

On the appointment list and various other pages a trial patient was previously flagged with a "CT" after their protocol details. This has been replaced with "Trial" as there was some confusion that CT meant standard radiology abbreviation of computerised tomography.

This will also appear on the protocol name on Record Summary.
Medication Favourites

There is now a delete icon if a Doctor wishes to remove drugs from their Favourites list. We have a known issue if this done from page 2 onwards where the page takes some time to refresh after a delete but does not affect the function; we will resolve the refresh issue in the next release.

Medication record
Issue with the frequency dropdown list dropping "up" after the patient banner was set as fixed at the top of the width. We have a set a maximum height on this dropdown list that should resolve this issue.

Protocol error'ing on referral type of DVA / exemption etc

If the protocol had a referral that was either not required or not an actual active referral, the protocol page would error. This has been resolved.
Test results - sending provider (and referrals / receiving provider)

Test results sender is now visible in the Messages Folder, the Unacknowledged Tests folder and the Test Results Visit form in the patient record.
See screenshot for further detail.

For Qld users, please note we still have some work to do to map QDI as they do not provide a sending facility at all in their messages.

If any other "unfriendly" names appear please let us know and we will add them to the mappings.

Protocol cease for reason of added in error

This function is now locked down so that a user cannot cease for reason of added in error if any drugs have been adminstered or any notes or other items added to the drugs on that step via the drug administration chart.

This function is also now locked down so that a user cannot cease via the Visit Record for this reason AT ALL. This is because the edit checks to check for drugs administered on all possible cycles visible in the visit record would have caused massive performance degradation on the Visit Record.

Therefore if Doctors wish to cease a protocol for reason of added in error, this will have to be done via the Protocol CYcles page (and only if no drugs administered).

Nurses unable to sign medication administration

There was an issue with nurses unable to sign for medications if the Doctor added drugs after the creation of the drug chart. This has been resolved.