Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 2017/01/24 Release Notes - Clinical
2017/01/24 Release Notes - Clinical
Summary of clinical changes:
For this release, you will see the Flow Chart has become much more useful, drawing information from more fields to create a more complete view of the patient's history.
The Clinical Summary that displays on the Nursing Assessment, Drug Administration and Edit Protocol now displays the date of test next to each result to improve safety.
You can now set a permanent alert on the Nursing Assessment that is visible on the Flow Chart so that for example, if a patient has had a reaction to a medication in the past, it can always be seen clearly in future visits.
A new feature that allows the primary clinician to be set, if desired, on the New/Edit Patient page will display the clinician's name at the top of the Record Summary and every page the demographic text appears.
We are gearing up for the release of a more streamlined, faster Edit Protocol in our February release and you'll see some of the changes which allow easy recording of cancer staging when allocating a new protocol.
Among some minor items in this week's release are the Results Pending file now has an Acknowledge button at the top of the page as requested by one of our user clinicians and some minor bug fixes.
Flow Chart
The new fields added are:
· The name of the first row has been simplified from “Treatment Date, Cycle and Day” to “Date, Cycle, Day” and the prescribed treatment moved to its own row
· Prescribed Treatment – The name of the protocol is listed here
· Permanent Alert – drawn from new field on the Nursing Assessment. Once this is set, it will carry forward to future visits until the alert is deleted.
· Allergies – now displaying on Flow Chart
· Medications administered – Each medication that is administered on that date is listed with the dose given. If a dose reduction has been prescribed, an up or down arrow will indicate this.
· Medications not given – This row was previously named “Treatment Comments’. If a medication is marked by the nurse as ‘Not Given’, it will display here with any notes recorded.
· Admin Notes – In Drug Administration, if the tooltip to the right of the medication name is clicked and information recorded, it will carry over to the Flow Chart in this row. This field will be in addition to the field of ‘notes recorded when a nurse edits the actual dose given
· Symptoms and toxicities – This row is in addition to Adverse events/side effects. It is drawn from the Visit Record if the buttons in the grid are selected. Each adverse event name displays followed by the relevant grade. On the following visit, if the Visit Record is saved without changing the grades previously recorded, the same grades will continue to appear on the Flow Chart until different grades are selected and saved.
· ECOG – This is also drawn from the Visit Record and will be visible if recorded on the form.
· Patient Education Checklist notes – If notes are recorded at the bottom of the Patient Education Checklist, they will flow to the Flow Chart. If the form is saved but no notes recorded, the text “Patient Education Checklist recorded” to show the form may have some information but no notes.
Test results acknowledgement
Based on request by Drs, in the Results Pending file, the pages that display the Results via View button now has an Acknowledge and an Acknowledge & Close button at the top of the page as well as at the bottom. This is on the Messages folder also.
Changes to protocol publish and Org preferences pages
We are gearing up for a major release of a more streamlined, faster loading Edit Protocol in a future release and you'll see some of the changes which allow recording of cancer staging when allocating a new protocol. The ability to add staging when saving a new protocol will not be enabled until the next release, but you can start saving this preference against your publish records as you wish in preparation.
Protocol publish record displays this option to include cancer staging as well
Permanent alert for flow chart
As requested by the Cancer CareZone User Group, a Permanent Alert field has been added to the nurse assessment. This will display on the Flow Chart unless the text field is cleared in a future Nursing Assessment.
Test results on Cancer clinical summary
We have had a couple of issues reported recently regarding test result display on Nursing Assessment & Edit Protocol, where the tests may be ordered separately on different dates to the main Biochem or FBC, resulting in a single date of test not being the correct date for several of the results. To improve clinical safety, we have published the sample date of each result in brackets beside the value.
Defer from Visit Record
We have some had some new issues with Defer from Visit Record that arose when we introduced validation checks to preventing moving of attended visits.
Defer dropdown list on visit record excluded today's visit so you couldn't defer from today's visit even when no treatment had commenced or clinical data recorded. This has been resolved.
Visit record was erroring in certain circumstances after a defer and when the visit record was re-saved. This has been resolved in a patch last week.