Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 16/10/17 Release Notes (Clinical PHN)
16/10/17 Release Notes (Clinical PHN)
The 'AOD Comprehensive Assessment' & 'AOD Self Complete Initial Screen' & 'AOD Forensic Assessment' visit forms have been updated with additional questions to align with the Victorian Health Department recommended latest versions of these forms. One of these changes is to include some new drugs in the drug listing, these are cocaine, methamphetamine (e.g. ice and or speed) & GHB. We have run an update script that were listed under 'Amphetamine and other drugs e.g. cocaine' into these dedicated drug lists based on a text match, some of the records may not have updated owing to quite a bit of variation in this text we recommend where it has not updated that you manually edit the comprehensive assessment to accurately record use of cocoaine and methamphetamine in these newly available records.
There is a new visit form for the recording of in-kind items and the tracking of costs for these, in the next release we will be producing a report from data entered into this visit form
The clinical summary that is visible on the client reocrd summary has now been made visible on the top of the visit details page, case notes, edit patient page, the visibility of this is based on an organisation preference and a role right. This was a request by PIR users, we will enable it for the PIR roles however if other MH/AOD users want to access this change please let us know and notify us of the roles to be updated.
There has been additional questions added to the PIR enrolment form.
We have added new drop down options and changed the text box to visit notes on the 'Outcomes Summary and Discharge Management' form.
We have added an checkbox of 'Enrolled In Error' the the enrolment form, when checked this will automatically discharge them from the program.