Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 2018/05/01 Release Notes (clinical)
2018/05/01 Release Notes (clinical)
Pharmacy Module Changes
Pharmacy Admin Search
Search fields have been added to the pharmacy admin page so that users can quickly and easily find a medications record in pharmacy admin. Users can search on either medication name, organisation using the Slade Export Function can also search on compounder code. Users now can also export their pharmacy admin list to CSV/Excel.
Diluent Name Change
Minor change to the pharmacy module to change the diluent called 'Syringe' to 'Neat' as this is a more accurate and appropriate description.
Concession information visible on the pharmacy order page
Patients concession information is now displayed on the pharmacy orders page, clicking on the patients UR / EpiID number on the pharmacy orders page will display a pop-up with the information displayed.
Changes to Protocol Module
Default Reason For Ceasing
We have resolved the issue where the reason for ceasing a medication defaulted to 'Toxicity'. Now you will find that there is a blank space in the top of the drop down list which forces you to select the reason for ceasing.
Reverse Drug Chart Issue
We were alerted to an issue where if there were previously charted days in a cycle and then a subsequent drug chart was reversed this was causing all drug charts in that cycle to be reversed. We have queried the database to identify all charts that were affected by this issue but thankfully only a single patient record was affected and were were able to revert the drug charts affected.
Protocol Publish Information
We have resolved the issue that was causing some protocol publish information to display as blank if the user who published the protocol had since been deactivated.
Superscript in medication dose
An issue was identified where superscript in the medication dose was causing the protocol to error. We have resolved the issue to prevent the protocol erroring however we are still working on a fix for the script printing as Adobe PDF cannot handle superscripts in form fields
Changes to Visit Forms
Nursing Assessment Form Changes
A new checkbox to 'Copy Falls Risk From Previous' has been added to the Nursing Assessment form. The check box is disabled unless the falls risk assessment on the most recent Nursing Assessment form has been completed.
Please be aware that if you have already saved data on the Nursing Assessment form and then subsequently check the 'Copy From Previous' checkbox the data you previously saved will be blown away.
We have changed to wording of the question about side effects since last treatment on the nursing assessment form as it was being misinterpreted. The new wording on the question is 'Recent side effects or medical issues'
Visit Record Visit Form
On the Visit Record form in the Symptoms and Toxicities section we have added a comments field the 'Extravasation'. If a grade greater than 0 is selected users can now add a comment.
We have resolved the issue where the 'Today's Weight Not Affecting Dose' field was inactive.
Changes To Test Results
Sonic Labs
We have made a change to how we display the sender on results being sent from providers that are part of the Sonic Group of labs. Previously 'NATA' was dispalyed in the 'Sender' column for results from certain labs, now the lab will be correctly identified.
Primary Healthcare Labs
The following issue was only affecting organisation that are receiving test results but did not have a provider number to route the message. We have developed some custom codign to route the message using other segments of the message . Please let us know if you continue to have difficulty receiving results from Primary Health Care Labs.
New Mode of Separation Report
A new report is available to all organisations that admit and discharge patients. The mode of separation report is a date range report displaying all discharges within that date range including patient epi id, given nme, surname, date of discharge, mod of separation, transfer type and facility name if applicable.
New Scalp Cooling Report
This date range report displays all appointments within a date range that have been flagged as requiring scalp cooling
Pharmacy Admin Search
Search fields have been added to the pharmacy admin page so that users can quickly and easily find a medications record in pharmacy admin. Users can search on either medication name, organisation using the Slade Export Function can also search on compounder code. Users now can also export their pharmacy admin list to CSV/Excel.
Diluent Name Change
Minor change to the pharmacy module to change the diluent called 'Syringe' to 'Neat' as this is a more accurate and appropriate description.
Concession information visible on the pharmacy order page
Patients concession information is now displayed on the pharmacy orders page, clicking on the patients UR / EpiID number on the pharmacy orders page will display a pop-up with the information displayed.
Changes to Protocol Module
Default Reason For Ceasing
We have resolved the issue where the reason for ceasing a medication defaulted to 'Toxicity'. Now you will find that there is a blank space in the top of the drop down list which forces you to select the reason for ceasing.
Reverse Drug Chart Issue
We were alerted to an issue where if there were previously charted days in a cycle and then a subsequent drug chart was reversed this was causing all drug charts in that cycle to be reversed. We have queried the database to identify all charts that were affected by this issue but thankfully only a single patient record was affected and were were able to revert the drug charts affected.
Protocol Publish Information
We have resolved the issue that was causing some protocol publish information to display as blank if the user who published the protocol had since been deactivated.
Superscript in medication dose
An issue was identified where superscript in the medication dose was causing the protocol to error. We have resolved the issue to prevent the protocol erroring however we are still working on a fix for the script printing as Adobe PDF cannot handle superscripts in form fields
Changes to Visit Forms
Nursing Assessment Form Changes
A new checkbox to 'Copy Falls Risk From Previous' has been added to the Nursing Assessment form. The check box is disabled unless the falls risk assessment on the most recent Nursing Assessment form has been completed.
Please be aware that if you have already saved data on the Nursing Assessment form and then subsequently check the 'Copy From Previous' checkbox the data you previously saved will be blown away.
We have changed to wording of the question about side effects since last treatment on the nursing assessment form as it was being misinterpreted. The new wording on the question is 'Recent side effects or medical issues'
Visit Record Visit Form
On the Visit Record form in the Symptoms and Toxicities section we have added a comments field the 'Extravasation'. If a grade greater than 0 is selected users can now add a comment.
We have resolved the issue where the 'Today's Weight Not Affecting Dose' field was inactive.
Changes To Test Results
Sonic Labs
We have made a change to how we display the sender on results being sent from providers that are part of the Sonic Group of labs. Previously 'NATA' was dispalyed in the 'Sender' column for results from certain labs, now the lab will be correctly identified.
Primary Healthcare Labs
The following issue was only affecting organisation that are receiving test results but did not have a provider number to route the message. We have developed some custom codign to route the message using other segments of the message . Please let us know if you continue to have difficulty receiving results from Primary Health Care Labs.
New Mode of Separation Report
A new report is available to all organisations that admit and discharge patients. The mode of separation report is a date range report displaying all discharges within that date range including patient epi id, given nme, surname, date of discharge, mod of separation, transfer type and facility name if applicable.
New Scalp Cooling Report
This date range report displays all appointments within a date range that have been flagged as requiring scalp cooling