3. Medication Safety Rules

Medication Safety Rules is on the Pharmacy Orders tab drop-down list. It's used to add medications to a list, then flag them as cytotoxic, to monitor a drug for total cumulative dose and to set the cap for a dose calculation on a medication.

Adding Medications to the List

Drugs can be added to the list by clicking the 'plus' sign, then click Lookup to search MIMS for generic medications.

Configuring the medication

After selection the medication, e.g. Doxorubicin hydrochloride, tick 'Monitor for Cumulative Dose' and 'Is Cytotoxic'.

Setting the cap limit
To set a upper limit for the Actual dose that can be calculated when certain drugs are prescribed, add the drug to Med Safety Rules, then tick 'Set medication upper dose limit'. More fields will display where the maximum actual dose can be entered and the units for that dose. This will carry through to protocols created after the cap has been set in Med Safety Rules.

It will also apply to medications prescribed on the Medication Record as well as in protocols.

Protocols containing a capped medication
When creating a new protocol containing a capped medication, the user has the option to untick the cap for that protocol. e.g. Carboplatin is sometimes capped, sometimes allowed to calculate to the full BSA level. It can be capped in Med Safety Rules and uncapped for an individual protocol.