2019/01/23 Release Notes (Clinical)

Changes to printouts - Infusion Order
There is now an option to print this with the site location of the first appointment at the top of the page. Infusion Order printouts running onto multiple pages now have appropriate paging and repetition of the relevant information in case the pages get separated.

Changes to printouts - Drug Administration Chart
If the organisation is enabled for printouts in advance by ticking a new Organisation Preference, 'For Drug Administration, print all dates of selected cycle with doses calculated on most recent weight', the full cycle of the Drug Administration chart can be printed in advance with calculated doses for offline paper recording. It is strongly recommended this organisation preference is NOT switched on by existing hospitals doing online charting - this print mode was developed for doctors providing the printed chart to referring hospitals who are NOT using EpiSoft; weight and other clinical summary information are displaying last recorded info at the time of printing, not details as as the date of drug administration.

Changes to printouts - Pharmacy Orders
The Supplier details to populate on the Pharmacy Orders PDF can now be entered in your Organisation Preference page. From Pharmacy Orders page, there is also now direct shortcut to print the various prescription types including community pharmacy script, public hospital script and Infusion Order script. This printout also now has appropriate info forming the footer of each page in the event pages are separated.

Protocol Publish
The list of available Visit Reasons to link on the Protocol Publish record is now based on the user's visit reason access hence is more filtered to what that publisher needs to see

Visit Form Change request
AOD Forensic form now has field to record Forensic ID
Headspace Assessment form has free text multi-line field under Consent

PMHC Program
Some changes have been made to this program flow to enable the user to select the active program from the Pre-Scores and the PMHC Outcomes summary forms.
This is instead of the system trying to 'guess' from the enrolment records. Enrolling clients in multiple programs at once has been causing issues.

Sites involved in the PMHC program should be able to go and fix their own records. Please ensure you have selected a program on the relevant Pre-Scores form first BEFORE trying to ext or you will continue to get the 'cannot exit' error.

Changes to alert text on 'Edit Protocol' page

Any alert text on the edit protocol page will now include the 'units' of a dose change made by a user.

New Alert Symbol on 'Pharmacy Orders' page

A new blue 'Rx' symbol has replaced the old yellow triangle alert symbol on the Pharmacy orders page. the new symbol is used to indicate 'No Script Printed Yet'