2019/07/12 Release Notes (AOD and Mental Health)

Addition to Waitlist module (Only available for AOD &Mental Health Organisations):
A checkbox titled ‘Forensic’ has been added to the waitlist module to indicate that the client is a Forensic client

Waitlist – Patient Hyperlink
The hyperlink connected to the patient’s name (which appears Green) has been fixed so that when users click the patient’s name, they will be re-directed to that patient’s Record Summary.

Changes to the Phone Intake Screen (AOD & Mental Health Organisations ONLY)
The following 4 questions have been added under the existing eight questions on the page:
1. 1. What school are you currently attending?
2. 2. Do you have MHTP?
3. 3. Do you or any of your family members identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?
4. 4. Support of Information provided over the phone: (free text field)

Changes to the PIR In-kind Report (AOD & Mental Health Organisations only):
The column header ‘Support Connection ($)’ has now been changed to ‘Supplementary Support ($)’

Changes to the PIR NDIS Form (AOD and Mental Health organisations only):
The PIR NDIS Form has now been configured to correctly save all Supplementary data that has been entered

Correction to the PIR Enrollment Form:
A spelling error on the PIR Enrollment form has now been corrected

Addition of 3 New Reports:
Three new AOD Activity reports have been created.
1. 1. AOD ResetLife Client Status Report
2. 2. AOD ResetLife Client Evaluation Report

3. 3. AOD ResetLife Client Discharge Report