Knowledge base » Release Notes - EpiSoft/CareZone » 2019/08/30 Release Notes (Clinical)
2019/08/30 Release Notes (Clinical)
New Icon – 'Nursing Observations' Hyperlink
Nursing staff recording clinical observations now have access to a quick link icon from the Appointment List to record new observations and the view the last few observations entered that day. This will save staff having to go into the Nursing Assessment form when wanting to quickly enter a new set of obs. This icon appears ONLY if the visit has been attended and if the visit has a visible nursing assessment form associated.
Click on the red heart icon on Appointment Management, then enter new observations or view previous obs from that day.
Popup window:
Resolved Issue – Patient name not showing on deleted task list
A bug was found in the ‘Tasks’ module where if a task was deleted, the patient details in the ‘Associated Patient’ column were no longer visible. This issue has now been resolved.
New tool to modify the clinician on a protocol cycle after saving a protocol
Users can now modify the Clinician on the top of the 'Edit Protocol' page, after the page has been saved, if the wrong clinician has been saved. Click the edit pencil to modify the clinician.
The options are:
1. Change the clinician at the top of the Edit Protocol page only (if the cycle is unsigned, this will also change the prescribing clinician next to the signature field)
2. Change the clinician on all steps of this cycle - changes both appointment and medication clinician
3. Choose to carry the change forward to all future existing cycles
Protocol Infusion Order failing to print in order
One of our sites alerted us to an old copy of the Infusion Order printout that was generated around the time, or prior to the previous roll-out of the medication re-ordering function. This print-out was not printing drugs in the same order as the online page. This issue has now been resolved.
Protocol Identifier now being sent as EviQ identifier field in the export message.
For our sites that require the Cancer Institute data in the Encounter Summary export message, the Protocol Identifier is now being sent as the data enter in the EviQ Identifier field.
Changes to the Authority Script search filters
The Authority Scripts tab now has search fields sitting above the work list rather than having in-line filters. For performance reasons, we have moved the search fields above the grid and restricted the list of records in any results to 200. You can still search in the same way as before, but the fields to enter the search terms are at the top of the page now.
User Account setting modified
The setting that would sometimes hide 'Today's Weight' on the Visit Record has been changed so that Today's Weight now will always show.
New PDF printout format for Crohn's and Fistulising Crohn's Disease
For sites that are treating patients with Crohn's Disease, the latest PBS Authority Forms are now being mapped from data in the visit. The relevant visit forms are the 'PBS Eligibility For Luminal Crohn's' and 'Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) OR the 'PBS Eligibility For Fistulising Crohn's. If you have the visit reason of 'Crohn's', these visit forms should be visible
The PBS Authority forms will then pre-populate under the 'Visit Reports' tab. Not all fields are pre-populated but we will be updating the system to include missing fields in a future release. Please let us know if there are any fields that you would prefer not to be pre-populated. As part of this enhancement, we have also upgraded the online form / eligibility criteria for Fistulising Crohn's.
New Reports
New Report - Number of Patients seen for any given time period
This report outlines the number of visits attended in a time period for both Inpatient and Outpatient visits, excluding a range of 'Admin' visits such as 'File Note', 'Pharmacy Billing' etc. The report has been titled 'List of Visits by Patient' and has been enabled for all users under the category 'Administrative Reports'
Modified / New Reports - Encounter Summary
The Encounter Summary has been modified to include the nurse signature initials and times for each drug administered
Another version of the Encounter Summary has been created following a request from a particular organisation that removes the service setting, adds the Primary Clinician and also displays the non-protocol medication
Issue Resolved - Submitting HDMS Report to WA Health (Western Australian users ONLY)
We have made some recent changes to the arrangement of the clinical data to eliminate data submission issues. The 'Diagnosis' and 'Morphology' lines are now ordered by their display sequence.
For WA sites reporting to the state government (HMDS Report), a number of the fields only mandatory for WA were not validating in some circumstances resulting in these being left blank. These validators have all been amended to ensure maximum data population for state reporting in the admission and discharge pages.