2019/09/11 Release Notes (Admin)

Admin - Messages module

We have made some changes to the page layout of the Messages module as part of a major upgrade to further streamline electronic messaging especially referrals and documents. This first phase allows you to:

1) View the message in the pane prior to match and import to align with the page format of Patient Timeline and Results Pending and allow you to match with fewer clicks
2) Select the message in view for match or import ... OR tick to select multiple messages to import 'in bulk'.

The "Match patient button refers to the message visible in the pane.
The "Match selected" button on the right is to enable you to tick multiple messages and match them all at once.

Below is a typical "Unmatched" view.

Below is the typical "Matched and ready for import" view

As the Import used to be a button on the main Messages list, this is now under a filter button - see below.

It is important that you please keep an eye on both the Unmatched list and the Ready for Import list to complete the process.

As per previous, when a visit is added to a patient, the results will import at that time and results will continue to auto-import if the data matches a known patient.

Bulk Import - different demographics

If you select multiple messages and there is no issue with the demographics, the match screen works as per before to either select a Possible Match or create a New patient.

FYI, upcoming changes planned in future release:

Import patient documents from messages as distinct from referrals and test results
Reclassify messages that come flagged as a referral but they're actually a general letter/other document
Scan documents from your network drive and match PDFs with no message data (subject to separate network installation)
Ability to lookup the secure messaging address of a provider from a new integrated Directory service to make your use of secure message sending more scalable

Admin - Billing

We have introduced a shortcut to change account status from Debtor's Management - please continue to use this only when necessary to make corrections to statuses when there is an issue per the recommendations below.

Other billing - it was found that a claim requiring a referral could be submitted without a referrer being associated with that referral. In addition to our other "referral required" validation checks, we are now checking whether a referrer is on the referral.


Drug Chart printout (print future drug charts for a patient)

This issue was affecting specialists at some sites who were enabled for printing the drug administration charts for the complete protocol cycle. Large protocols were timing out when this printout was selected. We have implemented some improvements in how the data for the drug chart is obtained to improve the performance of this printout.

While this print function is optimised as far as it can be, big protocol cycles can still be slow to print so we are separately working on a new task to print very large printouts as a background function (that is you hit the print button and then pick up the printout later).

Mandatory Reporting

ISC report (NSW hospitals only) - this report was failing to download owing to changes to the patient address structure in the previous release. This issue has now been resolved.

S10 report (Vic public hospitals only) - this report was failing to download owing to changes to the patient address structure in the previous release. This issue has now been resolved.
VADC report for 2019-20 changes - this will be in a dedicated VADC release on the evening of 12/9