Knowledge base » Release Notes - epi-me » 2020/03/20 - Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
2020/03/20 - Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)
Coronavirus Questions (EM-934)
Coronavirus questions have been added as per customer request (see below). Should other epi-me hospitals wish to implement these questions, this can be enabled in the online pages with a configuration option.
Address not always populating on Addressify (EM-947)
We have found that occasionally Addressify will not populate the individual address fields in the user interface causing issues on import. We have now introduced a secondary check that will revalidate with Addressify when the pages are saved. Following this release, if addresses are not populating as expected in your PAS, please let us know the eAdmission ID so we can track the details.
Scheduler errors if there are no admissions overnight (blank list of Admissions) (EM-940)
Episoft have rectified an error caused when no admissions for the previous 24 hrs have a clinical alert. This was resulted in an error email in the email logs. The email will now be sent and contain the templated text but the subject will say 'No alerts for today' with no attachments.
New DVA Prefix Added
New prefix of VV has been added to epi-me for DVA Card, which has been been recently been added by DVA as a new 'war code'.
Added Maximum Length of Text Validators for Fields (EM-937)
This was found on previous surgery where patients were exceeding the 255 field length and causing a page error as well as on Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian name which had quite a short field length. When entering data or copying and pasting, the field will be restricted to the maxium database characters which is typically 255 characters We have applied this fix to these main fields causing issues and will be working through other fields in future releases to apply a field restriction.
Unable to click Yes/No Questions on Page 2 of Health History Form on Tablet/IPad (EM-923)
Fixed an issue whereby certain radio buttons and options on Health History Page 2 and one question on Lifestyle and Diet were not able to be selected on Mobile devices and Tablets.
Adding a new Doctor or GP without a Valid Suburb in
An issue was fixed whereby adding an Admitting Dr or GP without a suburb, postcode or practice name in their data was causing an error. This has been resolved.
Coronavirus questions have been added as per customer request (see below). Should other epi-me hospitals wish to implement these questions, this can be enabled in the online pages with a configuration option.
Address not always populating on Addressify (EM-947)
We have found that occasionally Addressify will not populate the individual address fields in the user interface causing issues on import. We have now introduced a secondary check that will revalidate with Addressify when the pages are saved. Following this release, if addresses are not populating as expected in your PAS, please let us know the eAdmission ID so we can track the details.
Scheduler errors if there are no admissions overnight (blank list of Admissions) (EM-940)
Episoft have rectified an error caused when no admissions for the previous 24 hrs have a clinical alert. This was resulted in an error email in the email logs. The email will now be sent and contain the templated text but the subject will say 'No alerts for today' with no attachments.
New DVA Prefix Added
New prefix of VV has been added to epi-me for DVA Card, which has been been recently been added by DVA as a new 'war code'.
Added Maximum Length of Text Validators for Fields (EM-937)
This was found on previous surgery where patients were exceeding the 255 field length and causing a page error as well as on Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian name which had quite a short field length. When entering data or copying and pasting, the field will be restricted to the maxium database characters which is typically 255 characters We have applied this fix to these main fields causing issues and will be working through other fields in future releases to apply a field restriction.
Unable to click Yes/No Questions on Page 2 of Health History Form on Tablet/IPad (EM-923)
Fixed an issue whereby certain radio buttons and options on Health History Page 2 and one question on Lifestyle and Diet were not able to be selected on Mobile devices and Tablets.
Adding a new Doctor or GP without a Valid Suburb in
An issue was fixed whereby adding an Admitting Dr or GP without a suburb, postcode or practice name in their data was causing an error. This has been resolved.