2023/06/07 - Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)



Ask patients to confirm their Date of Birth in the Personal Details page to avoid duplicate patients created in PAS (EM-5583, Helpdesk #23500)

To mitigate incorrectly entered Date of Birth’s not being detected by healthcare provider staff in processing to their Patient Administration System, a new Form Configuration called PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_DOB_CONFIRMED has been introduced which requires Users to retype their Date of Birth when creating a new patient record, or when updating the date of birth of an existing patient.

Users are required to retype their Date of Birth when creating a new patient record.

Users are also required to confirm the Date of Birth when updating it for an existing patient.



Relocate Private Health Fund acknowledgement below claim type selection (EM-5982, Helpdesk #25985)

In the previous release, the How are you planning to pay for this admission? question was relocated above the Medicare Details section. The Private Health Fund acknowledgement has now also been relocated to appear directly under the How are you planning to pay for this admission question?