2023/11/20 - Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions & eReferrals release)



Admission Details - screen recent admissions for usage of private health insurance (EM-6497, Helpdesk #26471)

If a Patient Portal User responds ‘Yes’ to ‘Have you been in ANY hospital within the past 28 days of admission date?’, a new, mandatory Yes / No question labelled 'Was this admission as a privately insured patient? *'

The visibility of the question is controlled by the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration.

Personal Details - make middle name mandatory unless the patient doesn't have one (EM-5926, Helpdesk #25903)

In response to one customer's persistent issue of duplicate Medical Record Numbers (MRNs) in customer PASes resulting from patients forgetting to enter their middle name and staff not thoroughly checking for existing MRN matches, EpiSoft has introduced a new way of collecting patient middle names.

Subject to the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_MIDDLE_NAME_MANDATORY, the middle name field is made mandatory unless the Patient User specifically says they do not have one.

This format for collecting middle name has also been reflected on the Edit patient details pop-up accessible from the Personal Details page, subject to the following change reasons being selected:

1. Add new patient
2. Change current patient details
3. Error correction

Lastly, to maximise user-friendliness for patients, future eAdmissions for existing patient records will not be forced to confirm the lack of a middle name on the Personal Details page.

However, it's important to note that this solution may not completely eliminate duplicate URs. Please note that there is another Form Configuration called "PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_MIDDLE_NAME_HINT_TEXT" which can additionally be enabled to encourage patients to enter their middle name.

Personal Details page - configurable ability to mandate Patient Gender Identity (EM-6553, Helpdesk #23131)

In consultation with all customers, a raft of changes were made to the way Patient Sex and Patient Gender Identity are captured in eAdmissions. This also recognises that Patient Gender Identity is becoming increasingly mandated in statutory hospital data collections.

The first epi-me customer to collect Gender did not make it mandatory as they have the ability in their PAS to automatically assign the gender of a cisgender patient as their sex.

Subsequent adopters of the Patient Gender Identity question in eAdmissions would now like this question to be made mandatory as their PAS doesn't have this inferential capability.

This is now enabled by the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_GENDER_ADDITIONAL_MANDATORY/

NOTE: PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_GENDER_ADDITIONAL must be also TRUE for the Gender question to show.

Personal Details page - relabel Gender to Gender Identity (EM-6744, Helpdesk #23131)

This was the result of the aforementioned customer consultation and has been applied globally to all portals with PERSONAL_DETAILS_INCLUDE_GENDER_ADDITIONAL set to TRUE.

Personal Details page - add tooltips to the Sex and Gender identity questions to educate patients on their meaning (EM-6590, Helpdesk #23131)

This was the result of the aforementioned customer consultation and has been applied globally to all portals, regardless if Patient Gender Identity is collected or not. The tooltips are as follows:
  • Patient sex - “Sex refers to the chromosomal, gonadal and anatomical characteristics associated with biological sex.”
  • Gender - “Gender is part of a person’s personal and social identity. It refers to the way a person feels, presents and is recognised within the community. Gender identity is a person’s sense of self and whether they identify as a man, woman, nonbinary, gender fluid or a combination of one or more of these identities regardless of their sex characteristics.”

SVHA ONLY - Personal Details page - Added Interminate, Intersex and Unknown Patient Sex options (EM-6538, Helpdesk #23131)

HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Personal Details page - Merged Transgender Male and Female to a single 'Transgender' Gender additional option (EM-5765, Helpdesk #23057)

These relate the the Gender (additional) options available on the Personal Details page in the eAdmission.

Patients which have previously identified as Transgender Male and Transgender Female will now be collated under a single option called 'Transgender'. The previous two Transgender options will no longer be offered.

General Health History / Adult Health History page 1 (standard and Mental Health / all optional variants) - added ability to capture secondary and further cancers (EM-6485, Helpdesk #26458)

Subject to the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_SIGNIFICANT_CANCER_INCLUDE_OTHER_PAST_CANCERS, the functionality in the green box below appears:

This attempts to address patient feedback that they couldn’t enter the diagnosis, whether the treatment is current and the type of their multiple (usually two) cancers they had (eg. breast and lymphoedema).

This also recognises that is clinically important to know a patient's complete cancer history, eg. If a woman has breast cancer they are always at risk of lymphoedema which means clinicians cannot perform BP measurements on the affected side. This would be missed if they then have another type of cancer after their initial breast cancer episode.

HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Infection & Screening custom page - several question changes (Helpdesk #26471)

The following question relabels have been made (highlighted in orange):

Do you have symptoms of an acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose) or anacute gastroenteritis illness (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea)? *

Within the last 14 days, have you had close contact (e.g. household contact) with a person/s diagnosed with an acute respiratory infection e.g. influenza, COVID-19 *

Have you been identified as having a Multi Resistant Organism? eg. MRSA, VRE, MRGN ie ESBL, CPE, Serratia marcescens or Candida Auris *

Do you have a household contact who has a Multi Resistant Organism? eg. MRSA, VRE, MRGN ie ESBL, CPE, Serratia marcescens or Candida Auris *

The following questions have been removed (highlighted in orange):

Have you travelled to areas of high prevalence for Acute Respiratory Infections - Seasonal or Pandemic e.g. Corona Virus (COVID-19), either overseas or in Australia within 14 days of onset of symptoms? *

Do you currently meet the COVID-19 Public Health criteria for self-isolation or quarantine? *

Have you ever been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive? *

If Yes:

Date of diagnosis
Date of clearance by Public Health

Have you been vaccinated for COVID-19? *

This question has been extended to all Mental Health patients (previously Acute only):

Has the patient ever had Tuberculosis (TB)? *'

Admin Portal - Rehab Clinical Assessment - several question changes (Helpdesk #26471)

The same changes described immediately above, bar the Tuberculosis question, have also been applied to the Rehab Clinical Assessment page.

Allergies & Medications - screen for usage of Adrenaline Autoinjectors (EM-6507, Helpdesk #26471)

In the Allergy Details section beneath the Food Allergies question (i.e only shows if ‘Patient has allergies’):
  • A new Yes / No mandatory question labelled 'Do you require an Adrenaline Autoinjector (Epipen or Anapen)? *' shows
  • If the Patient Portal User responds ‘Yes’, a note displays '“Please bring with you to hospital.”
  • The visibility of the question is controlled by the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration

Allergies & Medications - screen for Allergy Action Plans (EM-6508, Helpdesk #26471)

In the Allergy Details section beneath the Food Allergies question (i.e only shows if ‘Patient has allergies’)::
  • A new Yes / No mandatory question labelled 'Do you have an ASCIA (Allergy) Action Plan? *' shows
  • If the Patient Portal User responds ‘Yes’, a note displays '“Please bring a hard copy with you on your admission date or upload the document on the Upload Documents page.”
  • The visibility of the question is controlled by the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration

Adult Lifestyle & Diet - Lost weight without trying - relabel minimum criteria to 1-5kg (EM-6151, Helpdesk #26354)

This only applies if at least one of your Health History Forms has HISTORY_LIFESTYLE_INCLUDE_LOST_WEIGHT set to TRUE.

Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet - reformat the Paediatric Breast and Bottle feeding question (EM-6573, Helpdesk #22670)

There was an existing question on the Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet page labelled For babies and small children, are they being breast or bottle fed? which has been enhanced to cater to babies who could be on a mix of solids, breast and bottle feeding.

This was a global enhancement and is not modifiable via a Form Configuration.

Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet - capture number of weeks gestation if child was not a full-term baby (EM-5873, Helpdesk #21520)

There is an existing question on the Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet page labelled Was your child a full-term baby? which has been expanded upon to identify how premature / late the baby was.

Subject to the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_LIFESTYLE_INCLUDE_FULLTERM_BABY_NUMBER_WEEKS_GESTATION, a follow up question now shows if the child was NOT a full-term baby.

The question is mandatory and is labelled Number of weeks gestation, which accepts between 11 and 50 weeks gestation (inclusive) as acceptable answers.

Please see the Clinical Alert for Premature Baby described below which depends on the response to this new question.

HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Allergies & Medications - change to Medication Grid text (EM-6509, Helpdesk #26471)

The text above the Medication Grid now reads:

Please list all medications below, or provide your Pharmacy card or a Medication list from your doctor on the Upload Document page'

ACHA ONLY - Globally replace the orange colour on ACHA epi-me with dark teal / blue (EM-5889, Helpdesk #21633)

This was applied for Healthscope in last release but not yet for ACHA.

This is to address complaints from Low / No Vision patients that the previous orange colour was not accessible.

The following functions are now dark teal / blue:

1. Login with Google button (Patient Portal Login Page)

2. Health History Form dropdown menu button in an eAdmission (applicable when eAdmission incomplete)

and we have extended the change to the Admin Portal to ensure accessibility for staff:

3. Follow Up Form and Unsubmit buttons on the Referral Worklist (Admin Portal)

4. ‘View Form’ buttons on Admission Form Submit and Health History Submit pages

Contact Us details - add 3rd Contact Us section for acute x mental health facilities (EM-5363, Helpdesk #16209)

Some customer facilities that admit both Acute and Mental Health patients needed to offer three sets of contact details (Phone Numbers + Emails) for the various departments (eg. Surgical, Maternity, Mental Health).

This has now been enabled and those facilities Contact Us details have been configured.

Rename 'Preadmission COVID Screening follow up form to Current Infection Screening (EM-46287, Helpdesk #20900)

In recognition that COVID has diminishing relevance to healthcare infection screening processes, this follow up form has been relabelled to Current Infection Screening globally within the platform.

A number of further changes (detailed below) have been made for the same reason.

Read more about the Current Infection Screening follow up form.

Current Infection Screening Follow Up Form - specify current symptoms rather than any symptoms (EM-6289, Helpdesk #20900)
Do you currently have any of the following symptoms

Current Infection Screening Follow Up Form - generalise COVID vaccination question to cater to any number of vaccinations (EM-4631, Helpdesk #20900)

The COVID Vaccination questions in the Current Infection Screening form have been replaced with the following:

Have you had a COVID vaccination of any kind?

If "Yes," the following mandatory questions will be presented:

How many vaccinations have you had? (accepting integers only)

What was the date of your last vaccination? (approximate date if not known)

In response to the evolving landscape of COVID-19 vaccinations and the need for a more flexible approach to recording vaccination histories, this enhancement offers a 'catchall' solution to efficiently capture a patient's complete COVID vaccination history, regardless of the number of vaccinations received.

A corresponding change has also been made to the COVID Clinical Alert to cease triggering for unvaccinated patients - see further detail below.

SVHA ONLY - Relabel Clinical History Form to Health History Form (EM-5044, Helpdesk #22170)

This change has been made in response to alleged patient confusion and complaints that it was misleading clinicians to believe it was created by clinicians.

This reflects on the PDF printout and on the Patient Portal.


Split GP Code into two dedicated fields - Practitioner and Practice Code (EM-5768, Helpdesk #23057)

This is required to enable one task in the interface enhancement EM-5343 below.

Previously, epi-me was storing the GP Practitioner and GP Practice Codes in a single semi-colon concatenated field because we only had one field.

epi-me can now support a dedicated field for each so the data has been split out accordingly so it can export to the vAdmissionFormExtract correctly.

HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Transition to Dynamic PDFs for General, Paediatric, Maternity and Mental Health eAdmission Health History Form printouts (Helpdesk #26471)

The printouts were already 'dynamic' on the Patient Portal, but this formatting has now been applied to the printouts available on the Admin Portal as well as what is sent to webPAS.

The spine images, nurse-only sections and ordering of the questions of the HMR equivalents have been reflected on each of the printouts.

HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - BUPA/HBF (WA) Rehab Certificate - patient suitable for rehab should always be ticked 'Yes' printouts (EM-3676, Helpdesk #16211)

Healthscope requested 'Is the patient suitable for Rehabilitation?' question on BUPA Rehab certificate to be mapped to 'Yes' - it will never be submitted to the health fund as 'No' as this would cause the claim to be rejected.

Rehab Worklist - preferred assessment date column to be before the Assessment date column (EM-4177, Helpdesk #16228)

Rehab sites requested that the 'Preferred Assessment Date' column be re-positioned to appear on the left-hand-side of the 'Admission Date' column on the 'Referral Worklist'

Rehab Assessment & Transfer - remove entire Mini Mental page, including printout and printout export (EM-6517, Helpdesk #26471)

Rehab has transitioned to conducting the Mini Mental assessment entirely in a face-to-face manner upon admission. Consequently, there is no longer a need to include this assessment in the online pre-admission process.

The Mini Mental assessment page has been removed entirely from new Rehab Assessment and Transfer Forms. Users will no longer find this page within new assessments, however for data integrity reasons they will continue to see the Mini Mental page on forms created prior to the change.

Additionally, the Mini Mental assessment will be excluded from the RehabFormExtract XML export.

HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - Admin Portal - extend inactivity timeout to 45 minutes (EM-1679, Helpdesk #16233)

In the previous version (V2) of eAdmissions, there was no inactivity timeout implemented in the Admin Portal. However, with the release of V3, a 30-minute inactivity timeout was introduced.

Subsequently, multiple Healthscope staff members, especially Mental Health Assessors, have raised concerns regarding this inactivity timeout. Their workflows often involve spending extended periods (40-45 minutes) on a single page of the assessment while on the phone with patients. Unfortunately, the 30-minute inactivity timeout led to the loss of data when they exceeded this time frame.

In response to the unique needs of Healthscope Mental Health and to prevent data loss during extended assessment sessions, the inactivity timeout on the Healthscope Admin Portal has been extended to 45 minutes.

ACHA's portal has been unchanged.

Patient Age (years) has been added to the Patient Portal Satisfaction Feedback report (EM-5482, Helpdesk #23521)

Report Users wanted the patient's age automatically calculated automatically calculated in the Portal Satisfaction report so they can easily analyse satisfaction by patient age eg. Are older patients less satisfied with eAdmissions?

A column has been added to the report for this purpose. The age is calculated at the patients Admission Date which is consistent with how age is shown elsewhere in epi-me. For patients less than 1 years old at Admission Date, their calculated age is 0.

New Clinical Alert for 'Respiratory Illness' (EM-5686, Helpdesk #21520)

This was requested to help clinicians track respiratory commodities such as asthma, emphysema and COPD.

The Alert triggers and corresponding Alert Text are as follows:


Health History - adult page 1 AND Health History - adult (Mental Health) page 1:
  • ‘Yes’ response to ‘Do you have asthma? *’
  • The alert text will state that the patient has asthma, whether they have a recent hospitalisation (including the date, if applicable) and any use of nebulisers, inhalers and oral steroids
  • 'Yes' response to 'Do you have or have you ever had a lung condition or any obstructive breathing disease e.g asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema, COAD or COPD? *
  • The alert text will state 'Lung condition / obstructive breathing disease: [Please specify response]”
  • 'Yes' response to 'Do you have or have you ever had Emphysema, COAD, COPD or any obstructive breathing disease? *'
  • The alert text will state 'Lung condition / obstructive breathing disease: [Please specify response]”


    Health History Paediatric Page 1:
  • ‘Yes’ response to ‘Does your child have asthma? *’ No Yes
  • The alert text will state that the patient has asthma, whether they have a recent hospitalisation (including the date, if applicable) and any use of nebulisers, inhalers and oral steroids
  • ‘Yes' response to 'History of other respiratory illnesses e.g. bronchitis /bronchiolitis /shortness of breath on exertion /hay fever /pneumonia / TB / Croup / Glandular fever *’
  • The alert text will state 'Lung condition / obstructive breathing disease: [Please specify response]”

  • New Clinical Alert for 'Premature Baby' (EM-6290, Helpdesk #21520)

    Please see above enhancement to the Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet page to identity the number of weeks gestation for children who were not full-term babies.

    There is also a similar question that already exists on the SJGHC Paediatric Lifestyle & Diet custom page.

    The Premature Baby Clinical Alert triggers if the child was born at or earlier than 34 weeks gestation regardless if this is identified on the standard or custom Paediatric Lifestyle or Diet page. The Alert Text identifies how many weeks the baby was born at.

    Modified Clinical Alert criteria for 'COVID' to no longer trigger for unvaccinated patients (EM-6483, Helpdesk #20900)

    Further to reformat of the COVID vaccination question on the Current Infection Screening form described above, this alert no longer triggers if the patient hasn't had a COVID vaccination.

    This is consistent with the latest infection screening guidelines.


    HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - Update Login / Welcome Images for Desktop and Mobile Referrer Portal (EM-5887, #23730)


    HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Addition of new fields to Healthscope & ACHA's vAdmissionFormExtract sent to webPAS (EM-5343, #23057)

    Field Label on User Interface‘Tag’ Name in vAdmissionFormExtract

    How did you find out about this hospital?
    The PAS Codes are:
    • SPE (Specialist)
    • GEN (GP)
    • INT (Internet)
    • NEW (Newspaper)
    • HE (Hospital Employee)
    • SOC (Social media)
    • PP (Previous patient)
    • OTH (Other)

    I DO NOT wish to receive SMS notifications related to my admission
    The values are:
    • “1” = TRUE (Opt-out)
    • “0” = FALSE (Not opt-out)
    I DO NOT wish to receive a patient satisfaction survey via email
    The values are:
    • “1” = TRUE (Opt-out)
    • “0” = FALSE (Not opt-out)
    Preferred contact number *
    The PAS Codes are:
    • HOM (Home Phone)
    • MOB (Mobile Phone)
    • WOR (Work Phone)
    Preferred/Identifying name (if different to first name)

    Addressify lookup against ‘Address *’
    Healthscope want to know whether Addressify was successfully used to extract the address - not the address itself.
    The values are:
    • 0 (Addressify not used)
    • 1 (Addressify used)
    Gender (if different to above)
    The PAS Codes are:
    • 1 (Male)
    • 2 (Female)
    • 8 (Transgender) NOTE: This was formerly two options that have been merged - see above)
    • 5 (Non Binary)
    • 6 (Gender Fluid)
    • 7 (Other)
    • 98 (Declined to answer)
    • 99 (Not applicable)
    Identifying pronoun
    Despite the tag name, specification is to send the value of the free-text field (no PAS Codes available).

    Employment status *
    The PAS Codes are:
    • C (Child not at School)
    • E (Employed)
    • H (Home Duties)
    • NA (Not Applicable)
    • OTH (Other)
    • P (Pensioner)
    • R (Retired
    • S (Student)
    • U (Unemployed)
    • UNK (Unknown)
    • V (Voluntary Work)
    • DJ (Post-diff job choice)
    • DJR (Post-diff job reduce)
    • NAW (Post-not abl to work)
    • RC (Post-chose to retire)
    • RD (Retired for Disabili) (Could not find in Staging)
    • SR (Post-same job lessHr
    • SS (Post-same job+hours)
    • TED (Post-to early determ)

    No equivalent frontend field.
    This is the External Code we store for the GPs, which are also selectable Referring Drs (if not the same as GP)
    Healthscope are expecting the GP Practitioner Code eg. H000015753
    To support this, Practitioner and Practice Codes that are currently stored in a single field in Healthscope & ACHA’s epi-me have been split into two, dedicated fields.
    See immediately above.
    Healthscope are expecting the Practice Code ( ‘P code’) eg. P000002445
    See also immediately above.
    See immediately above.
    Always populate as 1.
    Addressify lookup against ‘Address *’
    Healthscope want to know whether Addressify was successfully used to extract the GP’s address - not the address itself.
    The values are:
    • 0 (Addressify not used)
    • 1 (Addressify used)
    No equivalent frontend field.
    This is the External Code we store for the GPs
    See above RE </ReferringDrPASCode>
    Name of GP's practice
    This is the External Code we store for the GPs
    See above RE </ReferringDrPracticeCode>

    Always populate as 1.
    Addressify lookup against ‘Address *’
    Healthscope want to know whether Addressify was successfully used to extract the GP’s address - not the address itself.
    The values are:
    • 0 (Addressify not used)
    • 1 (Addressify used)
    Can we upload your admission information to your My Health Record? *
    Values are:
    • “1” = Yes
    • “0” or blank = No

    Values are:
    • “1” = Has Medicare Card
    • “0” = No Medicare Card

    HEALTHSCOPE & ACHA ONLY - Addition of new fields to Healthscope & ACHA's GeneralHistoryExtract sent to Kyra EMR (EM-4046, #16346)

    Field Label on User Interface
    ‘Tag’ Name in HistoryGeneralExtract
    Has the patient ever had Rheumatic Fever? *
    When? *
    <CVRheumaticFever> (already in XSD and mapped to export)
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Date of last transfusion *
    <HaemaPrevTransfusionDateLastGiven> (already in XSD and mapped to export)
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Any special needs / disabilities? *
    Specify *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Any functional impairment? *
    Specify *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Gastric band / sleeve gastrectomy / gastric bypass? *
    Specify *

    Throat (new option for self-MRSA site of infection)
    New checkbox option
    Do you have a household contact who has a Multi Resistant Organism? eg. MRSA, VRE, MRGN ie ESBL, CPE, Serratia marcescens or Candida Auris *
    Date identified *
    Sites of infection
    Hospital where identified

    Has the patient ever had Tuberculosis (TB)? *

    Patient fully immunised? *
    Specify *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Has the patient / family member been in contact with measles, chicken pox, gastroenteritis or any other infectious disease in the last 21 days? *
    Please specify *
    Was in ACHA V2
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Is there any chance the patient could be pregnant? *

    Impairment of vision? *
    Impairment of hearing?
    Special aids used?
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Similar question in ACHA V2 - Do you wear glasses or use a hearing aid? * + Do you require assistance or aids? *
    Has the patient had any recent dental treatment? *
    Specify *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    What level of assistance does the patient require with eating? *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Same data existed in ACHA V2 but labelled Personal care * instead
    Do you have any special dietary needs?*
    With 5 dropdown lists available
    Can’t find diet?
    Other Diet/s *

    Paediatric Admission Form only
    For babies and small children, are they being breast and/or bottle fed?
    Amount per feed
    Number of feeds per day
    Trainer cup
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Was in ACHA V2
    Patient's usual method of medication administration
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Was in ACHA V2
    Patient's primary carer *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Who will be staying with the patient during their admission? *
    Full Name *
    Contact Number *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Only Full Name and Contact Number required in extract. Parent question shown for context
    Who is taking the patient home?
    Full Name *
    Address *
    Building name and/or Unit number
    Street number
    Street name
    Home Phone *
    Mobile Number *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Where will the patient go after discharge? *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Has the patient been discharged from hospital or presented to an emergency department in the last 28 days for the same condition? *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Urgency of this current admission *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Relationship of person completing this form to patient
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Is there any other medical condition/s you would like to tell us about? *
    Other medical condition details *
    Paediatric Admission Form only
    Have you ever been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive? *
    Date of diagnosis

    Do you require an Adrenaline Autoinjector (Epipen or Anapen)? *
    Populates as '1' for Yes and '2' for No.

    Do you have an ASCIA (Allergy) Action Plan? *

    HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - Addition of new fields to Healthscope's MentalHealthAssessment sent to Kyra EMR (EM-4409, #16346)

    Field Label on User Interface‘Tag’ Name in MentalHealthAssessment Extract

    Referral received date


    Have you had any recent blood or urine tests / Pathology? *
    Please specify *
    Which pathology company *
    Diabetes type?*
    Managed by*?
    Complications (free-text)
    Do you have or have you ever had a thyroid or other endocrine disorder? *
    Please Specify *
    Heart disease / rheumatic fever / palpitations / irregular heartbeat / heart murmur / angina / heart attack *
    Please Specify *
    High or low blood pressure *
    Please Specify *
    Lung disease / Asthma / bronchitis / emphysema / shortness of breath / pneumonia *
    Please specify *
    Do you use: Nebuilsers, Inhalers, Home Oxygen
    Do you have sleep apnoea? *
    Do you use a CPAP machine? *

    Blood transfusion and/or blood products? *
    Any reaction? *
    Specify reaction *
    Date of last transfusion *
    Blood disorders / Blood clot / DVT / PE? *
    Please Specify
    Stroke / TIAs / Head Injury *
    Please specify *
    Fainting / dizzy spells / recent falls? *
    Please specify *
    Epilepsy / fits / seizures *
    Please specify *
    Frequent headaches / migraines / neurological issues *
    Please specify *
    Parkinson's disease /Multiple Sclerosis / Motor Neurone Disease *
    Please specify *
    Short term memory loss / confusion / Alzheimer’s / Dementia *
    Please specify *
    Difficulty swallowing / eating / speech impairment? *
    Please specify *
    Arthritis *
    Please specify *
    Bowel disease (eg. Crohns, diverticulitis) /stoma / incontinence *
    Please specify *
    Reflux / stomach ulcer / hernia? *
    Please specify *
    Kidney or bladder problems / stoma / incontinence? *
    Please specify *
    Cancer / Leukaemia ? *
    Please specify *

    Do you have symptoms of an acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose) or anacute gastroenteritis illness (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea)? *
    Please specify *


    Within the last 14 days, have you had close contact (e.g. household contact) with a person/s diagnosed with an acute respiratory infection e.g. influenza, COVID-19 *
    Please specify *


    Have you ever been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive? *
    Date of diagnosis
    Has the patient ever had Tuberculosis (TB)? *'

    Current Psychiatric Diagnosis / Diagnoses

    Current community team e.g. Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Outreach Worker, NDIS case manager

    Mood or Depressive Disorder i.e. Bipolar Affective Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *


    Anxiety Disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    Psychotic Disorder e.g Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *


    Substance Dependency*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    Psychotic Symptoms e.g paranoia and hallucinations as a result of substance use / addiction*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *



    Eating disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    Personality disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *
    <PersonalityDisorder> <PersonalityDisorderWhenDiagnosed><PersonalityDisorderCurrentSymptoms>
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    OCD / ADD / autism spectrum disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    PTSD / Complex trauma disorder*
    When were you diagnosed? *
    What symptoms do you have now? *

    Describe your previous mental health history (include any community based treatment and hospital admissions)


    Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts*
    Please specify *

    Have you engaged in self harm behaviour?*
    Please specify *

    Depression or low mood *
    Please rate your mood 1-10'

    Elevated Mood*
    Please specify *

    Anxiety *
    Please rate your anxiety1-10'

    Panic Attacks*
    Please specify *

    Have you heard any voices and sounds; seen. tasted or smelt something that wasn't there?*
    Please specify *

    Have you had any thoughts of harming other people*
    Please specify *

    Have you been aggressive towards objects or others?*
    Please specify *

    Changes in appetite or weight*
    Please specify *

    Sleep disturbance*
    Please specify *

    Changes in motivation?*
    Please specify *

    Changes in energy?*
    Please specify *

    Changes in your interest and activities an other people?*
    Please specify *

    Changes in concentration?*
    Please specify *

    Do you have a history of trauma? *
    What would you like us to know?

    Have you experienced abuse of any kind?*
    What would you like us to know?

    Does anyone in your family in your family have a history of mental illness?
    Please specify

    Has anyone close to you noticed changes in your behaviour?*
    Please specify


    Do you drink alcohol? *
    How many days a week do you drink? *
    How many drinks would you have on these days? *
    Do you think alcohol is a problem for you? *



    Have you used illicit or non prescribed drugs? *
    What drugs, how much and how often? *
    When was the last time you used these? *



    Do you use more prescription drugs than your Doctor has prescribed?

    Do you currently smoke? *
    How many per day? *

    Who do you live with?

    Who are your main support people?

    Are you currently employed?
    When did you last work?
    Why did you stop working?

    Are you currently studying?

    Do you have a current Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), Domestic Violence Order (DVO) or Family Violence Intervention Order (FVIO) out against anyone?*
    Please specify


    Is there an AVO, DVO or FVIO out against you?*

    What is your height? (cm) *

    What is your weight? (kg) *

    Special Diet / Cultural Needs *
    Please specify

    Do you have mobility issues ? *
    Walking frame
    Bed bound

    Skin issues / Wound / Broken skin / Pressure sores? *
    Pleas specify


    Is there any other medical condition/s you would like to tell us about? *
    Other medical condition details


    Have you ever had a bad reaction or allergy to any medication? *
    Are you allergic to latex? *
    Are you allergic to adhesive tape? *
    Do you have any food allergies? *
    Allergy grid with typeahead search to SNOMED which populates Allergy name and Type (Food, Substance etc.). Reaction is freely-entered
    Are you on any medications to thin your blood e.g. warfarin, aspirin based medications? *
    Are you taking any other medications, prescription medications or non-prescription medications or complimentary medicines including vitamins / mineral / herbal remedies? *
    Medications grid with typeahead search to MIMS which populates Drug name. Amount, How Often and Purpose is freely-entered

    Reason for referral / communication / presentation
    Existing question but relocated from Medical History page which no longer exists.
    Comment logging functionality.
    Suicide Comments

    Self Harm Comments

    Aggression Comment

    General Comments

    Other Comments

    Outcome Comments


    Assessed by
    Assessors are included as semicolon separated eg. Assessor1; Assessor2

    HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - Addition of new fields to Healthscope's RehabAssessment sent to Kyra EMR (EM-4408, #16346)

    Field Label on User Interface‘Tag’ Name in RehabFormExtract
    Have you ever been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive? *
    Date of diagnosis

    Date Ceased
    This question shown under Have you smoked… → Ex Smoker
    Other Diet/s
    Shown under ..special dietary needs? → Can’t find diet
    Wound Care

    Do you have a household contact with someone who has a Multi Resistant Organism MRSA, VRE, MRGN ie ESBL, CPE or Candida auris? *
    Multi / methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) *
    Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) *
    Date identified *
    Rectal Swab
    Hospital where identified

    Allergies checkboxes

    Allergies lookup

    Repeating segments of:

    Internal access
    <NumberStairsInternal>This is a new question on Premorbid State page
    Weight bearing time
    Upper limb - left
    Upper limb - right
    Lower limb - left
    Lower limb - right
    <WeightBearingTimeUpperLimbLeft><WeightBearingTimeUpperLimbRight><WeightBearingTimeLowerLimbLeft><WeightBearingTimeLowerLimbRight>Existing array of questions consolidated to these 4
    Height (cms)
    <Height>In patient dependency profile subsection on Current Functional Status page
    <BMI>In patient dependency profile subsection on Current Functional Status page
    Has the patient been assessed by another Rehabilitation Provider as unsuitable for Rehab?
    Is the patient presently receiving Rehabilitation?
    Patient willingness and capacity to comply with program?

    Intended Length of Stay has been added to the Acute Referral XML export (EM-5208, Helpdesk #21002)

    This relates to the Planned length of stay (nights) question on the Acute Referral, which is only visible if ACUTE_REFERRAL_HIDE_LENGTH_OF_STAY_TYPE Form Configuration is FALSE.

    HealthFundCoverType has been changed in the Acute Referral XML to populate as empty unless the patient is privately insured (EM-6821)

    Previously, this field was populating as 'T' (for Top cover) in the XML for all patients which caused staff inefficiency in processing to PAS. The field now continues to populate as 'T' for private health fund patients but populates as empty otherwise.



    Apostrophes were inadvertently being stripped out of Patient Name fields (EM-6431, Helpdesk #26746)

    In a previous release, several characters were stripped out of Patient Name fields to mitigate interface errors. It was not intended that regular apostrophes were stripped out however it in a handful of cases, apostrophes added via iPhones were being inadvertently stripped out. Other mobiles devices and desktops were unaffected.

    This has now been rectified so that all apostrophes are preserved.

    Healthscope & ACHA only - Typo fixed in the PDF printout of the COVID diagnosis question (EM-3668, Helpdesk ##16213)

    The PDF now prints 'Ever been diagnosed as COVID-19 positive' instead of 'Every...'


    HEALTHSCOPE ONLY - Patient mobile number did not print to the Acute Referral PDF when it was the only contact number entered (EM-4305, Helpdesk #15920)

    It now prints correctly, regardless of how many contact numbers are entered.