The patient Record Summary enables clinicians and admin staff to quickly navigate to any part of the patients record. Clicking on any of the visit form links on the record summary will bring you to the visit form in the most recent visit. If you are wanting to enter data for today’s appointment make sure that the appointment has been attended first or you may be entering data into the previous...
This article is intended for administrative staff which create and maintain their organisation's patient records in EpiSoft.
After reading this article, you should know how to:
1. Acquire a patient's IHI
2. Troubleshoot common errors with acquiring...
This article is intended for clinicians which are authorised to view their patients' My Health Record.
After reading this article, you should know how to:
1. Access a patient's unrestricted documents in their My Health Record
2. Unlock a patient's My Health Record (including...
The purpose of this article is to outline the process of accessing a patient's immunisation record through their Record Summary. The following tutorial demonstrates Episoft's Immunisation feature and demonstrates its components, including:
Record alerts, Planned catch-ups, Indigenous status, Special Risk Groups, Encounter History, Medical Contraindications, Natural Immunity, and Vaccine Trial History
Online Tutorial: