2024/02/12 - Release Notes epi-me (eAdmissions release)



Login with Google - reCatpcha has been introduced on the Validate Mobile step (EM-7192)

If a Patient Portal User attempts to register using Login with Google, they are now required to perform a simple reCaptcha in order to complete their registration.

This is a basic security improvement that is aimed at preventing scripted bot attacks on the Patient Portal.

CALVARY ONLY - Patient Portal Logo has been updated (EM-5457, Helpdesk #23463)

The organisation's new logo has been added to the Patient Portal banner as well as the PDF printouts.

Insurance Details - relabel to headings and questions about patient's claim type and Person Responsible for Acknowledgement (EM-6678)

To assist the clarity of these questions, the following relabels have been made:
  • Change the section heading above the Claim Type selection to “Payment for admission”
  • Relabel the Claim Type selection to 'Who is paying for this admission?"
  • Change the section heading above the Person Responsible for Payment selection to “Payment for out of pocket expenses not covered by insurer / health fund”
  • Relabel the PRFA relationship selection question to 'Who is responsible for the payment of any out of pocket expenses?”

  • Insurance Details - added mandatory acknowledgement where the Person Responsible for Payment isn't the patient (EM-6698)

    NOTE: This only applies to customers using the TRUE value of the INSURANCE_INCLUDE_PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_SECTION Form Configuration

    At the request of a new customer, Patient Portal Users who declare a person other than the patient as the Person Responsible for Payment (PRFA) will be required to acknowledge that this PRFA is aware of this responsibility.

    The text itself is configurable using Dynamic Text ID 95: 'Acknowledgement on Insurance page that if relationship to patient responsible for payment is Other, Next of Kin or Emergency Contact'.

    Health History page 2 (Adult) - Combine Brain infection or Inflammation with Brain Injury as a Form Configuration - (EM-6872, Helpdesk #23241)

    One particular customer wanted to combine these questions. To achieve this requirement, we have introduced a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_NEURO_RELABEL_BRAIN_INJURY_TO_INCLUDE_INFLAMMATION_AND_INFECTION

    When the following Form Configuration setting is applied, there will be a single question labelled 'Any brain Injury, including brain infection or inflammation?'




    Lifestyle & Diet (Adult) - Condense caps, crowns and broken teeth into a single question as a Form Configuration - (EM-5599, Helpdesk #23241)

    Patient Portal Users can now provide these dental procedural details to a single question labelled ‘Caps, crowns, loose or broken teeth?’, which is still a mandatory Yes / No question.
    The visibility of the question is controlled by the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_LIFESTYLE_DENTAL_SECTION_CONDENSE_CAPS_CROWNS_LOOSE_BROKEN_TEETH

    Allergies & Medications (Adult & Paediatric) - guidance for Allergies has been expanded (EM-7052)

    At the request of multiple customers, 'intolerances', 'anaphylactic reactions' and 'fragrances' have been specifically mentioned in the instructional prompt for patient allergies that appears at the top of the page.

    The prompt now reads:

    "Please document any known allergies, intolerances, reactions (including anaphylactic reactions) or sensitivities e.g. medications, tape, latex/rubber, food, antiseptics, metals, fragrances and/or other"

    Allergies & Medications (Adult & Paediatric) - in-line hints for medication entry have been added (EM-7051)

    At the request of one customer, hints for Medication amount, frequency and purpose have been added in-line on the medications grid. The hints for amount and frequency already existed as tooltips, but the guidance has been prepopulated in the text field to improve usability.

    NOTE: The Purpose field is exclusive to the Adult version of this page and is itself dependent on the TRUE setting of Form Configuration HISTORY_MEDS_LIST_INCLUDE_PURPOSE

    Discharge Planning (Adult) - Hide the Home Environment questions if the patient does not express concerns about being discharged home, is independent with daily living and has not received an ACAT - (EM-5618, Helpdesk #23241)

    These overnight patients with lower needs are no longer screened about their Home Environment. This only affects customers who have the HISTORY_DISCH_INCLUDE_HOME_ENVIRONMENT Form Configuration set to TRUE.

    The Home Environment section now only shows if the Patient Portal User responds Yes to any of the following;
    • Have you been assessed by ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) ?
    • Do you currently require assistance with daily activities?
    • Do you have any concerns regarding how you will manage at home after discharge?

    Discharge Planning (Adult) - new tooltip to prompt patient for possible concerns they may have managing at home after discharge - (EM-7025)

    Discharge Planning (Adult) - Assistance with daily activities - changes to tickbox options (EM-7050, EM-7016, EM-7017 & EM-7018)

    The following tickboxes have been relabelled at the request of one customer to better communicate what their discharge planning team are interested in knowing about the patient's level of care:

    > Domestic help (eg. cleaning) (formerly 'Home services')

    > Community meal services (formerly 'Meals on Wheels')

    > Personal care (eg. showering) (formerly 'Hygiene / showering assistance')

    and a new option has been added:

    > Community care (eg. shopping)

    Discharge Planning (Adult) - Repositioning non-discharge planning related questions to its own page section - (EM-7030)

    At the request of one customer, the following questions have been repositioned on the Discharge Planning page called 'Additional information'. This was done to improve the flow of the questions for Patient Portal Users:

    1. Do you have any other medical conditions?

    2. Is there any other information that you think would help us while you are in hospital?

    Discharge Planning (Paediatric) - Repositioning non-discharge planning related questions to its own page section - (EM-7030)

    The change described immediately above has also been applied to Paediatrics. The relocated questions are:

    1. Does your child / the child have any other medical conditions?

    2. Is there any other information that you think would help us while your child / the child is in hospital?

    3. Is a parent / carer be staying overnight while in hospital?

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - new tooltips for MRO and CJD - (EM-6571 & EM-6956)

    This was an EpiSoft-driven enhancement to improve patient education about what MRO (Multi-resistant organisms) and CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) are.

    The tooltip wording was copied from a customer's eAdmissions patient portal who has a custom infection screening page and enhanced to cater to new MRO subtypes.

    MRO tooltip:

    CJD tooltip:

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - introduce a new multi-resistant organism type 'MRGN' - (EM-6873, Helpdesk #23241)

    Multi-resistant Gram-negative bacilli (MRGN) has been added as a new MRO subtype. If the patient identifies as having MRGN, epi-me will also ask for the date identified.

    Customers wishing to use this question requires a new Form Configuration HISTORY_INFECTION_ALTERNATE_MRO_INCLUDE_MRGN to be TRUE, and the existing Form Configuration HISTORY_INFECTION_ALTERNATE_MRO to be TRUE must be true as well.

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - multi-resistant organism type 'Candida auris' can now be hidden via a Form Configuration - (EM-6873, Helpdesk #23241)

    Candida auris is an existing MRO subtype that can now be hidden via the FALSE setting of a Form Configuration called HISTORY_INFECTION_ALTERNATE_MRO_INCLUDE_C_AURIS.

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - MRO question can be relabelled to specify treatment or isolated for antibiotic-resistant infection - (EM-6874, Helpdesk #23241)

    The MRO parent question can also now be relabelled to ''Have you ever been treated or isolated during a hospital stay or admission for an infection that was resistant to antibiotics (e.g. MRSA, VRE, CPE, ESBL or MRGN)?' via the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_INFECTION_MRO_RELABEL_FOR_TREATED_OR_ISOLATED_DURING_HOSPITAL.

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - New question about overnight admissions in the last 3 months - (EM-6875, Helpdesk #23241)

    Subject to the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_INFECTION_OVERNIGHT_ADMISSION_LAST_3_MONTHS, a question labelled *Have you been admitted overnight to any local hospital or nursing home within the last 3 months?’ will show.

    If the Patient Portal User responds yes, then two follow up questions will show:
    • Where?
    • What was the reason for your admission?

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - Relabel question about overnight interstate / overseas admissions in the last 12 months - (EM-6876, Helpdesk #23241)

    Subject to the TRUE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_INFECTION_INCLUDE_OVERSEAS_ADMISSION_INTERSTATE_ALTERNATE_LABEL, the question about overnight admissions in the last 12 months relabels to Have you been admitted overnight to any interstate or overseas hospital or nursing home within the last 12 months?'


    If the Patient Portal User responds yes, then the two follow up questions continue to show:
    • Where? (which city / country)
    • What was the reason for your admission?

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - follow-up questions about overnight admissions in the last 12 months can now be hidden - (EM-6876, Helpdesk #23241)

    Subject to the FALSE setting of a new Form Configuration called HISTORY_INFECTION_INCLUDE_OVERSEAS_ADMISSION_WHERE_AND_REASON, these follow-up questions about overnight admissions in the last 12 months can be hidden:
    • Where? (which city / country)
    • What was the reason for your admission?
    NOTE: The overnight admissions question is itself shown by the TRUE setting of the HISTORY_INFECTION_INCLUDE_OVERSEAS_HOSPITAL_ADMISSION Form Configuration.

    CALVARY ONLY - Admission Form Submit - Patient Consents have been revamped which mirrors on the Consent PDF (EM-5622 and EM-5862, Helpdesk #23241)
    On Calvary’s Admission Form Submit page, the consents now appear as follows:
    • I consent to <Hospital> providing information about my condition and treatment to my nominated next of kin/guardian/appointed power of attorney with medical decision making capacity
    • I consent to <Hospital> providing my name and religion to chaplains visiting the facility
    • I consent to <Hospital> providing my name to members of Returned Services Organisations (if appropriate).
    • I consent to <Hospital> sending me surveys to obtain feedback regarding my experience of care and service
    The reference to Rights and Responsibilities has been removed
    The Privacy Consent PDF should also be changed to reflect this new consent wording and the removal of the Rights & Responsibilities.

    New ability to map a patient portal user eSignature onto the Estimate of Fees PDF (FInancial Preadmission module) (EM-5645)

    This is only for customers who are using the Financial Preadmission module (online IFC & payments) and have opted to print the Patient Portal User's eSignature directly onto their Estimate of Fees template.

    Previously, customers could only opt to receive a 'generic' PDF template with the Patient Portal User's eSignature, and could not use their own estimate of fees template.


    Online Estimate of Fees view and acknowledgement metadata has been added to the IFC & Payment Details Report (Financial Preadmission module) (EM-6032)

    This allows customers using the Financial Preadmission module (online IFC & payments) to track which Patient Portal Users have opened their Estimate of Fees but not proceeded to acknowledge it, or who have acknowledged it but haven't signed it.

    The date and time of each action is now visible in the IFC & Payment Details Report via the Admin Portal.

    CALVARY ONLY - reposition Dental questions on Health HIstory PDF to Anaesthetic Risk Details section (EM-6877)

    This has been applied for Day-only, Overnight and Maternity Health Histories.

    Dynamic PDFs - MRN and Episode ID (if available) have been added to every page (EM-4485, Helpdesk #33432)

    At the request of multiple customers, every page of a dynamic PDF printout (eg. Admission Form, Health History Form and any other follow-up form printouts) now display the patient's MRN and Episode ID in the healthcare provider's Patient Administration System.

    Important! If the MRN or Episode ID are not available in epi-me, then that respective field will not display on the PDF.

    Screenshot of how MRN and Episode ID will appear on page 1:

    Screenshot of how MRN and Episode ID will appear on subsequent pages:


    New Payment Gateway offering - 'Braintree Payments' by PayPal (Financial Preadmission module)

    EpiSoft is pleased to announce that a new payment gateway integration is now available for adoption by healthcare providers in a production setting. For initial release, payments can be made using card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express etc.) and PayPal payment wallet.

    Braintree Payments is a PayPal subsidiary and was one of two payments partners (the other being Medeor by MedTech Global) that EpiSoft carefully selected following an extensive market scan.

    The following use-cases are available in production (hyperlinks explain functionality in depth):

    1. Patients can pay any applicable gap on an Estimate of Fees

    2. Healthcare provider staff can process additional payments on the patient's behalf, and make refunds

    Screenshot of the Braintree Payments user experience for paying gaps:

    Please contact help@episoft.com.au or lodge a ticket via EpiSoft Helpdesk if you would like to get started with epi-me's Financial Preadmission module.

    'EstimateVersion' and Payment Method details have been added to the MakePayment message (Financial Preadmission module) (EM-5512 & EM-5832)

    This is only for customers who are using the Financial Preadmission module (online IFC & payments) integrated to their patient administration system / finance system, and are receiving the full-XML 'MakePayment' message (as opposed to the PaymentExtract file which is webPAS-only).

    The EstimateVersion (aka CorrespondenceID) has been added to the MakePayment message so that the healthcare provider can better reconcile which version of the estimate of fees the patient has paid online in epi-me.

    A number of fields have also been added to indicate the payment method the Patient Portal User used to pay their estimate of fees - be it card of an alternative payment method like PayPal digital wallet. This enables the healthcare provider to receipt the payment, including the method of payment, in their patient administration system / finance system.

    HC21 data elements have been added to the CostEstimate message (Financial Preadmission module) (EM-5512)

    This is only for customers who are using the Financial Preadmission module (online IFC & payments) integrated to their patient administration system / finance system.

    At one customer's request, we have added the full HC21 data payload into the message to synchronise the customer's system with the patient's response to the HC21.

    These elements are:
    • <ClaimFormCompensationEntitled>
    • <ClaimFormLodgedCompensationClaim>
    • <ClaimFormInjuryWorkRelated>
    • <ClaimFormMotorVehicleAccident>
    • <ClaimFormAccidentOther>
    • <ClaimFormVeteran>
    • <ClaimFormFullTimeStudent>
    • <ClaimFormStudentInstitutionName>
    • <ClaimFormDateAwareOfSymptoms>
    • <ClaimFormDateFirstConsultedDr>
    • <ClaimFormAcknowledgeAuthorise>
    • <ClaimFormDeclareandWarrantCheck>
    • <ClaimFormAuthoriseHospitalCheck>
    • <ClaimFormAuthoriseHealthFundCheck>

    Third-Party Mobile App Integration - new APIs for acknowledging estimate of fees (IFC) and making payments on eAdmissions patient portal (EM-5632, XXX)

    This follows on from our initial release of the app APIs back in 2021 and delivers two new integrated workflows:

    1. Launch an outstanding Estimate of Fees to acknowledge (informed financial consent), and;

    2. Launch an outstanding gap payment for an estimate of fees)

    These new APIs further the objective better embedding eAdmissions into existing apps a healthcare provider may offer and reduce double-data entry for patients, which improves the patient experience. Patients can continue to use the eAdmissions Patient Portal without the app, so the integration is complementary rather than replacing eAdmissions.

    Screenshots of these APIs as visualised in a third party app

    CALVARY ONLY - HL7 ADT^A08 messages are now being received from iPM (EM-5530)

    This is to enable an Admission Date synchronisation interface between iPM --> eAdmissions, and also provide the actual episode ID of the eAdmission in iPM.



    Login with Google - subsequent attempts to login with username / password causes non user-friendly error (EM-5584)

    If a Patient Portal User registers using Login with Google but then subsequently forgets they authenticated with Google, entering a username of their Google email and any password would cause a portal error without any explanation.

    Now, the portal displays an 'invalid username / password combination' prompt. It is expected that Patient Portal Users would then attempt to reset their password (thereby creating a password) or Login with Google instead.

    CALVARY ONLY - Privacy Consent PDF - Capitalise 'Health' in the PDF for 'I do not want information uploaded to My Health Record' (EM-4877, Helpdesk #20708)

    This was a hangover from the initial release of the My Health Record consent in Calvary's Patient Portal

    Infection & Screening (Adult) - CPE question could not be hidden due to broken Form Configuration - (EM-5969, Helpdesk #23241)

    Healthcare providers can now hide the Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE/CPE) question with a FALSE setting of the Form Configuration HISTORY_INFECTION_SHOW_CPE

    Online estimate of fees acknowledgement page had word 'Patient' duplicated twice in the demographics header (Financial Preadmission module) - (EM-6263)

    Insurance Details page - Public Patient claim type selection can now be changed - (EM-4600)

    This fixes a longstanding issue for private-only hospital customers which have a legacy of offering the Public Patient claim type. The reason that this is a legacy is that Public Patient is not the correct claim type for the admission of patients to a private hospital who have been outsourced / contracted from a public hospital. The correct claim type is Public Hospital Contract.

    Previously, Patient Portal Users who selected Public Patient, saved the Insurance Details page and then changed their mind were not able to effect a change in Claim Type selection, as shown below.

    Now, this restriction does not appear UNLESS the facility is configured as a Public-Private Hospital which fixes the legacy of this issue.

    Login with Google - subsequent logins via username and password errored without explanation - (EM-5584, Helpdesk #24036)

    If a Patient Portal User initially registers with Google and then attempts to subsequently login with a username and password, the Patient Portal errored without an explanation.

    Now, the Patient Portal will state that the an invalid username / password is being used. This is deliberately designed to force Patient Portal Users to Login with Google or Reset Password if they wish to use a password-based access.


    eAdmission PDFs - the qualification 'Nights' has been added to the printout of the Expected Length of Stay question (EM-7015 & EM-7013)

    Patients provide their expected length of stay in nights. Previously, the PDF did not stipulate that this length was in nights so it could be confused with the number of days the patient was expected to stay.


    HL7 ADT^A08 import can now handle an empty PID-29 Patient Death Date and Time - (EM-5989)

    This change was made to support a customer's ADT^A08 broadcast from their iPM patient administration system which produces an empty PID-29 if the patient is NOT deceased.