Knowledge base » System Administration Functions
Calendar Settings: Default Start/End Times
The Sysadmin Calendar settings allow you to set the default start and end times for your clinician calendar. Setting the Business Start and Close Times will set the default height of the calendar, and the Time Block Size sets the scale of 'blocks' in minutes. The Week Start/End cuts out non-working days, and the Default View sets the amount of days visible at a time on the appointment landing page. [1] Sets the default appointment time range for the 'Day' and 'Week' views. Does not lock...
Calendar Settings: Colour Coding
Along with changing the times and dates of your calendar, the Sysadmin Calendar settings allow you to alter multiple colour settings for appointments to quickly see at a glance what is happening on any given day. [1] The Visit Type and Reason must match for an appointment to have the colours assigned (an Anaemia Admission patient below would be default as it has not been set up currently). We recommend using...
Letter Templates - Logo's and Letterheads - OLD
Upon creating or editing a Letter Template (access: left sidebar, System Administration, Letter Templates, select a template), you have the option to set the visibility of our standard Letterhead and your Clinic/Hospital logo (if one has been added). [1] Toggles the visibility of our Letterhead on any letters printed from this template [2] Toggles the visibility of your Logo on any letters printed from this...logo, letter, letterhead, template, letter template
How to create new users of your EpiSoft or epi-me system
Purpose This article is intended for system administrators of EpiSoft and epi-me (also known as 'eAdmissions'). After reading this article, you should know how to: 1. Create users 2. Assign their access to your system Notes on...
Deactivating a User
1) Search for the user in EpiDirectory, and go to the user's page 2) Uncheck the "Active" tick box 3) Uncheck the "Has Account" tick box then save the page 4) If the user is a clinician with patients, only untick "Has Account". Unchecking "Active" may break Booking Requests. It's as simple as that! ...
Setting up a user to receive protocol alerts
To be able to receive protocol alerts that are emailed to the user, first set up the user account with an email in the Alert Email field on the User Account. Log in as the System Administrator In the User Account, the email address for receiving alerts should be added to the 'Alert Email' field. Log in to...
Removing a user's access to their account when they leave the practice
When an employee who has an Episoft account leaves your practice, it's a good policy to remove their access to that account. To do this: First, search for the user’s account and click on their name to open itUntick ‘Has Account’Don’t untick ‘Active’ (this is the opposite of what you’d naturally think was correctLeave all permissions ticked, e.g. Can Prescribe, Is Doctor etc.Save The user will not be...
2 Factor Authentication (2FA) in EpiSoft
2-Factor Authentication (2FA) is now available as a login option for all EpiSoft organisations. All organisations (except organisations that wish to implement SAML authentication instead) will need to adopt this additional user...
EpiSoft & epi-me / eAdmissions Cybersecurity Features - Two Factor Authentication and Single Sign On (SSO)
Purpose This article explains the cybersecurity features EpiSoft offers for login by healthcare provider staff to either of its EMR or epi-me (aka eAdmissions) applications. > Patient login is out of scope of this article From 30th June 2023, EpiSoft is no longer offering a username /...
How to credential your organisation and staff to access My Health Record via EpiSoft using 'PRODA'
Purpose This article is intended for EpiSoft system administrators including healthcare provider staff which manage their PRODA account (this is designated as the PRODA account's "Authorised Employee"). After reading this article, you should know how to: 1. Acquire and provide your organisation's HPI-O and Authorised Employee to EpiSoft[color=rgb(34, 34,...