Knowledge base » Billing
How to bill an outpatient appointment
Step 1 If this service requires a referral ensure your patient has a referral from a clinician with a valid provider number Click here to learn how Step 2 Ensure that your patient has a valid Medicare number if this account is being submitted to Medicare Click here to learn how Step 3...
How to create an ad hoc billing visit - Interactive tutorial -
This tutorial covers how to create an ad-hoc billing visit (this would be needed if there is not a corresponding appointment for this service) and then how to create the account, add the services and submit the account to medicare or the health fund. Click on the link to access the tutorial
How to bill Bupa for a Portflush
Some sites have negotiated with Bupa for payment of portflushes, however these claims need to be submitted in a particular format or the claim will be rejected by either Medicare or Bupa. 1. Although Bupa states that the portfulshes should be billed as an outpatient this is in fact a misnomer, any claims submitted to a healthfund need to be transmitted as an inpatient service or they will not go through the correct channels and will be rejected by Medicare. This means that you will...
How to bill an inpatient appointment
To bill an inpatient appointment requires a lot of mandatory data to be supplied to the health-fund. Below is a step by step guide to ensure that that all the information has been added to the patient record and can be successfully submitted via Eclipse Step 1 Ensure all the health fund and entitlements have been added to the patient record Click here to learn how...billing, health fund billing, eclipse, inpatient
How to admit, pre-admit a patient
Patients with and inpatient appointment type can be admitted or pre-admitted on the appointment management page by clicking on the green 'B' icon. A list of statuses will appear, select either the Admit or Pre-admitted status. This will then bring you to the admissions form. Below is the top half of the admission form, this form collects data required for state and federal minimum data set report...
How to do a Medicare check
On the Edit patient page, next to the field for Medicare Number there is a ’Lookup’ button. This will allow you to check that you have the correct Medicare number for the patient. ...
How to add health fund and entitlement information to a patient record
There are several places health fund and entitlement information can be added to the patient record. 1. On the create patient/edit patient page When you create a patient record you may add Medicare, health fund and entitlements information on the create patient page. You may also go to a previously created record and click on the ’edit patient’ tab and add the information. The information added on the new/edit patient page will flow through to the pre-admission form,...excess, co-pay
How to add excess or co-pay to an account
Excess and co-pay can be added on the admission form or on the billing tab. To access the Admission form go to the Appointment management page and click on the 'Edit Admission' icon The excess is added at the bottom of the 'Admission' form under the 'Entitlements' section. Enter the excess or co-pay amount to be paid on this admission....excess, co-pay
How to generate an invoice
CareZone allows users to produce an invoice per service if desired. To generate an invoice 1 Select the services you wish to be on the invoice 2 Click the generate invoice button A dialogue box will appear where you can enter the invoice date. It will default to today's date but this can be edited. Click the 'Save' button, the invoice will render as a PDF which can then be printed out....invoice
How to add services to an admitted or pre-admitted appointment and produce the HC21
Once an appointment is in a status of 'Admitted' or 'Pre-admitted' services an account is generated for that visit and services can be added. To add services to an appointment go the appointment management page and click on the green $ icon on the patients appointment This will bring you to the billing tab on the patient's visit. This...hc21
How to discharge a patient
To discharge a patient go to the appointment management page. Click on the appointment status icon on the patients appointment and select 'Discharge' A dialogue box will pop up with the discharge details. The discharge date and discharge time will populate with data from the appointment but it can be edited. Once all the information is entered click 'Save' and the patient status will have updated to 'Discharged'. ...
How to take a patient payment on an account
On the billing tab once the services and excess (if applicable) have been added. You can add a patient payment To add a payment click on the 'Add Payment' button and the grid will expand out to display fields for payment information to be added. 1 Select the payment type 2 Select the payment date, it will default to the date you are entering the data but this can be edited 3 Input the amount for...
How to produce a 'Same day certificate' for billing purposes
Certain health-funds request a 'Same day certificate' be submitted with the account for billing. To produce this certificate go the the billing tab on the appointment you wish to bill for. Click on the 'Certificate' button A dialogue box will appear. Select the certificate type, the certifying provider is the clinical on the appointment, the details pre-populate but can be edited. Click save....
How to edit the price of a service
To edit the price of a service (edit the provider charge) click on the pencil icon next the the provider charge A dialogue box will appear for you to enter the reason you are changing the price and the new charge. Enter the details and click 'Save'. The price will now be updated. ...
How to submit an account
For Medicare or Health Fund accounts, submitting a claim is as easy as clicking the "Submit to Queue" button in the top right corner. Note: Health Fund accounts require proper coding before the button will be visible. If you cannot see it, further actions are required. See here ...
Debtors management page
Coming soon...
How to reverse an invoice
To reverse an invoice 1 Select the invoice you wish to reverse (if more than 1 invoice has been generated on the account) 2 Click on the 'Reverse invoice' button A dialogue box will appear for you to enter a reason for reverse the invoice, click save and the invoice will be reversed. ...invoice, reverse invoice
How to reverse a payment
To reverse a payment go the the billing tab on visit you wish to reverse the payment on. Under the payments section click on the reverse icon for the payment you wish to reverse (highlighted in red below) A dialogue box will appear for you to select the reversal method. Then click 'Save' The payment will reverse. You...payment, refund, reversal
How to record a manual submission of an account, manually update the status of an account & view the status change history
Sometimes it will be necessary to manually update the status of an account, for example if the claim has need to be submitted manually or even after it has been submitted electronically it has been processed manually by the fund/Medicare. To record that you have manually submitted the claim click on the 'Manually Submit' button. The status of the account will update to 'Manually Submitted'. To change the account...account status
How to manually update the acutal benefit paid & view expected benefit paid history
If a health fund cannot successfully send an electronic receipt of payment you may need to manually update the 'Actual Benefit Paid'. To do this go to the billing tab on the visit you wish to update and click on the pencil icon next to 'Actual Benefit Paid' A dialogue box will appear where you will add the information on payment source, actual amount paid and the benefit paid date. Once the information has been...
How to resubmit a rejected account
1) Navigate to the rejected account page 2) Ensure that any errors on the page are fixed 3) Click the Submit Claim button ...
Billing Go Live checklist for new EpiSoft sites
Medicare and health fund setup for billing - new site Have you been given a Minor Customer ID for your site by EpiSoft? If not, please request this from us as a first step. In some cases, you may only require one for the various practice locations you work out of, in other cases, you will require a minor customer ID per site. Processing paperwork / applications can take up to 2 weeks for Medicare so please allow plenty of time to avoid issues with cash flow. Have you applied for a...